Open Borders Activists Go on *24-Day Hunger Strike to Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy – IOTW Report

Open Borders Activists Go on *24-Day Hunger Strike to Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy

Breitbart: Open borders activists and celebrities are going on a 24-day hunger strike to protest the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance” policy on illegal immigration at the southern border.

The hunger strike, organized in part by the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights organization, kicked off on Saturday blocks away from a federal courthouse in McAllen, Texas, where illegal immigrants detained for unlawfully crossing the U.S. border are sent to be prosecuted.

“Today, we have a president who has a different idea of what it means to be an American,” Kerry Kennedy, who runs the RFK center and is one of the strike’s organizers, told USA Today after visiting the courthouse Friday.

The planned duration of the strike is 24 days to represent the estimated 2,400 children separated from their parents who were detained and referred for prosecution for illegally crossing the border.

Although the event is billed as a 24 day-hunger strike, most participants would not be fasting for more than 24 hours at a time. Other hunger strikes, such as one that a Cuban dissident conducted several years ago to protest the lack of freedom of expression in Cuba, have lasted up to 135 days.  more here

30 Comments on Open Borders Activists Go on *24-Day Hunger Strike to Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy

  1. “The planned duration of the strike is 24 days to represent the estimated 2,400 children separated from their parents…”

    How about some more fasting for the other 10,000 kids who came here without their parents? That’s only another 100 days or so.

  2. The hunger strike thing always puzzled me. Why does it upset people? It’s their choice and they can eat anytime they want to. They can never eat again as far as I am concerned. As a matter of fact, we would all be better off if they played it that way.

  3. TO THE CONTRARY: they should be forced to go on a TACO BINGE from the local taco bus…including fresh cockroaches in the lard. Then lock the bathrooms. After taking the toilet paper.

  4. Speaking of Kennedys…What happened to that drooling ginger Kinnedy from the SOTU? Wasn’t he speaking a little Spanish lingo? He must be toiling away in anonymity down at the border. For the children.

  5. ““Today, we have a president who has a different idea of what it means to be an American,”…”

    At least they got *that* part right!

    (Don’t let’s worry about anyone going hangry. The Left doesn’t have the focus to do anything for 24 days in a row.)

  6. The Fake News will broadcast the Fake Hunger Strike.
    If you do not participate in this Fake Hunger Strike you will be called a Fake Nazi.

    I feel more compassion for the babies “ripped” (separated) from their mother’s bodies during abortion than illegal immigrants.

  7. “Hey! Look at ME!”
    “Hey! Look at ME!”

    Mitch Snyder (if anyone remembers him – DC “Homeless advocate”) gained 20 pounds every time he went on a “hunger” strike.

    If they want to impress ME – set themselves afire like the Buddhist monks did back in the 60s – those monks were serious – this is preening for the camera.

    “Cost Free” protest. Socialist Justical “Warriors” are preening ignoramuses who pose.
    Pink Pussy Hats at a Hen Party.
    Chanting and Thumping.

    There’s no there, there.

    Break out the ax-handles and Louisville Sluggers. Aw, well, if sticking your noses in each others’ asses is your idea of “protest” – go ahead on.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. don’t go on a strike just move to the countries they came from and tell their government how tough they are having it up here- free food and bedding and roofs over their heads and toilets that really work… etc. stupid people- God must be shaking His head. 🙂

  9. Have you seen the porkers coming across the border? Maybe she’s calling for THEM to join the hunger strike.
    Once the clock starts you can find Kennedy and her funders in the Hospitality Tent supping on Chateubriand paired with a full bodied red.

  10. Open Borders Activists Go on *24-Day Hunger Strike to Protest Trump’s Immigration Policy YEAh more kale for the rest of us! time to get some put options on kale perhaps.

  11. Let’s use the money their countries send for their support to feed them.

    If America is so horrible, then wait for aid from your country. Better yet, get your ass on out of here!

  12. Fat ass Rob Reiner finally has a reason to lose his lard. In 24 days, he might be able to squeeze through the bathroom door.

    But, I’m betting a bunch of them will cheat and grab a taco when nobody’s looking.


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