Opening Night 49ers Tickets Cost Less Than Parking Passes As Fans Bail – IOTW Report

Opening Night 49ers Tickets Cost Less Than Parking Passes As Fans Bail

sfist: While the 49ers have been in the news a lot recently, it hasn’t been for their rosy 2016 season prospects. Indeed, as the Chronicle reports, with sports pundits predicting a difficult year for the Santa Clara-based team, tonight’s opening game against the Los Angeles Rams (yes, they moved back to LA) is notable for another reason: With season ticket holders desperately trying to sell their tickets and fans bailing in droves, it literally costs more to park at tonight’s game than it does to watch it from the stands.

According to the Chron, opening night tickets were for sale on Ticketmaster this morning for the price of $40. Levi’s Stadium parking passes were selling for $50.  MORE

h/t Reiuxcat

20 Comments on Opening Night 49ers Tickets Cost Less Than Parking Passes As Fans Bail

  1. After seeing Marshall take a knee in the Thursday night game, I said fuck it. And fuck the NFL. Didn’t watch a minute nor a minute on Sunday.

    Of course I had a great US Open final to get me through Sunday but as life long Bronco fan, skipping Thursday’s opener was tough. But this is bullshit-the NFL has gone pussy-they obviously don’t need my eyeballs.

    Don’t they realize that their core constituency is conservative, white males? And that they are directly pissing off us? Sheesh.

  2. I listened to some of the pre-game BS yesterday. Howie Long for example was talking about the importance of “a conversation.” OK Howie you liberal azzhole, how about this:

    Why are black men so violent?
    Why do so many black men kill other black men?
    Why are black men so much more violent than white men?
    Why did obama attend the church of anti-American racist Jeremiah Wright?
    Why are most black children today born out of wedlock?

    Howie, obozo, and the left don’t want a friggin “conversation.” They want handouts, and they want to lecture you on what a deplorable racist bastard you are.

  3. You’ll know when the boycott has reached effective level. The stadiums have to sell out so many hours before game time before they can be broadcast locally where the team plays.

    When the locals stop getting the game on-air, the boycott is working.

    I predict the mass of liberals in Cali won’t be stepping in to pick up the available tickets just to show support. They’re takers. They vote to raise everyone else’s taxes. They’re not about to step up and put their own money on the line.

  4. Buck’s questions answered:

    Why are black men so violent? 400 years of White oppression, duh

    Why do so many black men kill other black men? Racism by whites has that effect on others – they must die before black on black violence can stop

    Why are black men so much more violent than white men? What part “Whites cause this” are you missing?

    Why did obama attend the church of anti-American racist Jeremiah Wright? All the white churches are racist, Wright’s church is an antidote

    Why are most black children today born out of wedlock? Wedlock is slavery, gimme more money, I gots 3 more coming from my baby mommas and I’m naming them all Jr in case they shoot each other one day – I’ll still have one named after me!

  5. If I watch football, it’s collage. the scripted outcomes are more entertaining.

    pro sports and pro sports announcers are a pretty lame bunch, all swimming with the current, no one turned around and swimming upstream anymore.

    life in the usa is starting to suck big time. no men left, no freedom left, no real women left.

    no where else to go.

    i might have to get off my fat ass and start “protesting” something.

  6. Buck asked,

    Why are black men so violent?
    Latest studies link violence to genetics-low IQ plus it’s been discovered there are genes for this irresponsible behavior that are racial.

    Why do so many black men kill other black men?
    See above(they also commit 7x the crime on whites as white on black crime)

    Why are black men so much more violent than white men?
    See above and add in over 50 years of white hate being preached-I might add that once(and if) the party starts, you’ll have the race that drops nuclear bombs on cities of wooden structures v a race that drives by apartments and sprays bullets.

    Why did Obama attend the church of anti-American racist Jeremiah Wright?
    Street cred-easily buyable from room temp IQs individuals

    Why are most black children today born out of wedlock?
    See above

    Further proof of low IQ is their push for a race war with a group 6x times their size, heavily armed with ARs and a history that shows once the killing begins, no one kills like white people.

    No one.

  7. The Niners and the NFL will prove once again how one effectively participates in a democratic society- even the shell of a democratic republic like ours. It’s not by voting.

    One only really participates with his money, or his feet.
    So STARVE the NFL of the money that they obviously take for granted. And enjoy their desperation demonstrated by huckstering their ‘product’ in England and in Mexico. Maybe down in Meheeco they can recruit those Africans ‘free agents’ anticipating for their secret deal.

  8. I said many times,these assholes don’t think with their brains, that’s why so many children born out of wedlock,they are not raised they raise themselves,and what a swell job blacks are doing raising their kids to hate and disrespect America, they Don’t want to work or be educated, so all they are taught is hate ,especially Hate white people! They should sell their food stamps and buy a ticket to Africa ,or to Syria, get the hell out of America, so we can live without you racist pieces of shit !

  9. Negroes see everything through a racial lens.
    Negro Preznit – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negro Millionaires – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negroes kill other negroes – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negroes on welfare – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negro gets free shit – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    No expectations from negroes – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negroes commit most crimes – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negroes go to jail after committing most crimes – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negroes vote to continue slavery – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negroes elect moral and ethical retards – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    Negroes fall victim to race-hustling poverty-pimps – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.
    73% of negroes don’t know who their daddy is – don’t matter cuz blah, blah, blah – whitey’s racist.

    Yeah, Colon Krapondick, we get it … we got it … making $112 Million for playing a stupid fucking game is OPPRESSION.

    izlamo delenda est …

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