Operation Destroy Tara Reade has begun – IOTW Report

Operation Destroy Tara Reade has begun

Patriot Retort: Hang on to your hats, folks. Operation Destroy Tara Reade has begun.

So forget those weepy lectures about how awful it is that victims of sexual assault are afraid to come forward for fear that powerful men will destroy them.  Because now the powerful man in question is their powerful man.

I said on Friday that after Dirty Digit Joe’s disastrous interview with Mika Brzezinski, Team Biden was no doubt huddling together trying to figure out how best to get this inconvenient accusation behind them.  And Operation Destroy Tara Reade was obviously the strategy they chose.

Within 24 hours the talking points were clear: Biden has been vetted and Reid’s story is “falling apart.”

From former Obama people we got the “vetted” angle.  David Axelrod and Patti Solis Doyle took to Twitter to dismiss Reade’s allegation because “it was an exhaustive vet.” Therefore, Tara Reade is lying.

Brett Kavanaugh had multiple exhaustive FBI background checks during his career.  And nothing came up that was in any way untoward.  Surely these guys were satisfied with his vetting back then, am I right? more

6 Comments on Operation Destroy Tara Reade has begun

  1. And WHEN will Operation Destroy Joe Biden begin?


    Tara Reade




    Mental decline

    Low IQ

    Who is taking this to the mat besides Trump?

  2. If you control the media you control the narrative. Joe could have told Mika point blank “look fat, I fingered her,” and we’d be told today that Joe misspoke. He meant that he used his fingers to operate a phone to call Tara and the audio cut out when he addressed Mika as nonfat, a hip newage compliment that resonates with millennials.

    This shit is ridiculous.

  3. @ecp ~ it’s only ridiculous because more than half the people suspend their brains, refuse to grab a cognizant thought, & blithely believe that claptrap

    human thought process hasn’t evolved … it has regressed


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