Operation Drop in the Bucket – IOTW Report

Operation Drop in the Bucket

Patriot Retort:

On Sunday, the White House couldn’t stop boasting about its first “airlift” for Operation Fly Formula, bragging about 70,000 pounds of European baby formula flown from Germany to the United States that amounts to a drop in the bucket considering how much baby formula America needs right about now.

Operation Fly Formula. My guess is the same brain trust that thought Ultra MAGA was a winner came up with that stupid name.

Operation Drop in the Bucket is more accurate.

Though, Operation Photo-Op works too.

This is the baby formula version of Joe releasing 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserves. That too was a drop in the bucket.

Sure, it gave the impression that this feckless White House was “doing something,” but what it’s doing will barely make a dent.

Optics matter to these people, but they are tremendously bad at it.

And whatever genius thought Operation Drop in the Bucket would be an optics success didn’t think it through at all. more

19 Comments on Operation Drop in the Bucket

  1. The Chi knees are now DEMANDING, cracks me up when those little bitches demand shit from us, that we open our markets to their baby formula. I guess they’re bored with just poisoning our pets.

  2. Fossil fuels were used for this! I would expect an administration as “green” as this one to find a solar or wind powered way to have gotten this baby formula here.


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