“Operation Gridlock”: Thousands protest Michigan governor’s lockdown order – IOTW Report

“Operation Gridlock”: Thousands protest Michigan governor’s lockdown order

Just The News: Thousands of Michiganders on Wednesday flocked toward the state capital to participate in “Operation Gridlock,” a protest meant to convey frustration with Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s strict stay-at-home order. 

The protest was hosted by Michigan Conservative Coalition and Michigan Freedom Fund and was intended to create traffic gridlock, according to a Facebook event post calling conservatives to come out and protest

“People always say: ‘Conservatives never protest because they are too busy working,’ ” the event posting stated. “Well, guess what. You’re not working – so it’s time to PROTEST.”

8 Comments on “Operation Gridlock”: Thousands protest Michigan governor’s lockdown order

  1. Just talked to my brother and he said that Gov Witless has responded to the protest and was very condesending. I haven’t seen her response yet (don’t have a TV) and will need to find it. But I’ve seen videos of her on other things and she tries to look and sound tough. Her campaign promise to “fix the damn roads” was an act to get votes. She is just a piece of work. That’s not a compliment.

    But one thing that people who are suffering under her tyranical power grab don’t like is smarmy. And she exudes smarm. That’s why people here call her Witless. I call her Gov. Wretched Witless.

    If anyone deserved to be tar and feathered, I say she should be one of the first.

    Jimmy, you deserve 1000 likes for that statement!

  2. “… those who are plainly evil, who are clearly traitors, or who aim at tyranny are thought by all mankind to be worthy of death.”

    “Law is now a technical means for the achievement of specific political aims.”

    Funny how the intuitively obvious isn’t.

    izlamo delenda est …


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