Did Pentagon employees try to expense strip club, casino bills?
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon’s Inspector General is investigating whether U.S. military personnel tried to get the U.S. government to pay them back for bills they racked up at casinos and strip clubs, using official travel charge cards.
In May, the Pentagon watchdog reported that Defense Department employees spent $952,258 at casinos and another $96,576 at “adult entertainment establishments” using the cards during a year-long period.
Well that’s probably more legit than what most our tax dollars go to.
Sounds like the B Hussein Obama rules for the co-opting and spending of federal tax dollars. Rule #1: charge anything and everything you do, eat or order to your government expense account (plenty more where that came from).
Is that why they want to cut funding for the A-69 Blow Job?….
certainly so. If there are still Americans dumb enough to get up and go to work every day then they are also dumb enough to be taxed to the hilt to pay for our wants, needs and desires. Party hardy mate it’s on the dumbos!
The ‘tards will go apeshit over this but they’re okay with the rampant fraud and waste in Socialist Insecurity, Welfare, Medicare, Obamacare, etc.
Eradicate the left.
Did the Pentagon ever not try to expense strip club and casino bills? Sheesh.
Focus on the IRS, VA and Clinton scandals, Inspectors General.
Sasquatches new dress or a couple X warriors getting their nut off? I ask you.
Operation Horn Dog, is that what they call Slick Willie’s security detail?