Operation #JoinTheSuit – IOTW Report

Operation #JoinTheSuit

In the Supreme Court of the United States…

Operation #JoinTheSuit presents all 50 state Attorneys General with a choice – and a tremendous opportunity – to protect natural rights enshrined in the Constitution and the sovereignty of each citizen of the republic. 

Over the past few months, the American People have suffered as a result of a federal government that has taken power well beyond the bounds of what could have been considered reasonable by our founding fathers and mothers. The constitutional atrocities inflicted upon the People through the actions, and inactions, of the Biden administration are especially egregious given the mounting evidence that the current administration may not have been duly elected through a democratic process that accurately reflects the will of the People of the United States of America.

On November 23, 2021, a lawsuit drafted by Kurt Olsen will be filed in the Supreme Court of the United States asking the Court to examine certain evidence establishing the existence of substantial widespread fraud in the November 2020 presidential election. Unlike the matter of Texas v. Pennsylvania, this lawsuit will not focus on the election processes of individual States but will instead ask the Supreme Court to directly examine the mountains of evidence that have amassed over the past year. Given the quality of the evidence to be presented to the Court and the seriousness of allegations of election impropriety, we believe it would be a dereliction of duty for any Attorney General to ignore the lawsuit while others fight on behalf of their respective constituents…  MORE
[After reading, please click on the CONTACT YOUR AG tab, and contact your AG!]

6 Comments on Operation #JoinTheSuit

  1. DONE!

    What an opportunity to DO SOMETHING other than complain and spread more misery (thus doing the job for the left).

    I understand why some people are unclear about this lawsuit. But I wouldn’t want the left to know what’s going on before they get it shoved up you-know-where.

    All we have to do is ask our AGs to LISTEN to what these people are planning and see the evidence they want to show them. You don’t have to commit to the lawsuit, just ask them to have an open mind when being presented with their evidence.

    Thank you, MJA!!!

  2. I was “fortunate” enough to have a private meeting with Nevada’s AG and his staff recently. Based on his opinion of the vaccine mandate (“My legal opinion is that it is absolutely legal to mandate the Covid vaccine.”), I know exactly what his answer would be about voter fraud but I’ll contact him anyway. Thanks for the nudge.


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