FrontPageMag: Operation Legend helped throw federal firepower, mostly metaphorical, at the crime wave eating up major cities like Chicago. Overloaded police forces got the cavalry and criminals who had gotten used to “prog” DAs freeing them as almost soon as they were brought in, were suddenly getting the book thrown at them. And there are results.
12 Comments on Operation Legend Makes Over 2,000 Arrests
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“Operation Legend Makes Over 2,000 Arrests”
…and none of them were George Soros or any Democrat politician.
So nothing will change.
Nice try, though you’d do better to shoot them.
Because President Pelosi will just give them blanket pardons January 21st, and probably put them in charge of the new re-education camps.
…and they’ll be SO good at it…
This may be something the local political authorities can’t quash.
Federal charges are usually to be taken seriously even when the city and State ones don’t seem to be anymore.
…also, I wouldn’t be too sure about Federal judges.
They used Federal charges before, on antifa’s progenitor organization, Occupy Wall Street.
And Federal judges like Susan Dlott simply freed them because, Democrat.
…it’s profitable for them, too. Some lawsuits are STILL going on…
…so again, nice try, but you just send them to Federal democrats instead of State ones.
That won’t solve the problem.
They like Mao. Mao DID say ONE true thing.
“Power comes from the barrel of a gun”
Until we use power,
All of this is pointless.
…we’re down to liberty’s last box.
But we need to be willing to open it…
…Liberty’s boxes…
^ That .png is a keeper, SNS. Thanks.
Keep writing, always.
Meanwhile Operation Investigate the Coup has become a tea kettle boiled dry and left on a back burner in an abandoned house whose gas had been shut off. Well, Barr did say he wasn’t going after Hilz or Barry. Discouraging to say the least.
Seems like Barr should put some effort into removing these legal authorities who’ve been derelict and criminal in their actions involving the rioters. They should never be allowed to be involved in any legal proceeding again.
Jail their asses!
The only difference between them and the rock throwers is the methods.
I firmly believe that if it can be demonstrated that those responsible for crimes shortly following a “catch & release” should be charged with aiding said crime & made personally financially responsible for at least $10,000 per incident.
It will never happen though.
@SNS, Now the country should see the reason that Trump and McConnell spent so much time appointing Judges to the seats Obama left empty or was too lazy to fill. It’s no longer automatic that some lefty protester gets to appear before a Democrat appointed Federal Judge even in a Democrat controlled state. They are now going to face real jail time and financial penalties which may allow the feds to deal up the food chain to somebody like Soros or Steyer and if they can do that and Antifa gets a terrorist organization label then their assets could be frozen and possibly seized. That would sure as hell slow down Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the coven.
I’ve acquired another 3,500rds. of the LAST box of late… just to be EXTRA ready…
Till they arrest the funders, these arrests won’t mean much. Given AG Barr’s history, we can’t expect much.
“federal law enforcement can’t do more than stick a finger in the dyke as the water rises.”
Am I the only one in this crowd that caught this typo?