Operation Paperclip – IOTW Report

Operation Paperclip

As World War II was entering its final stages, American and British organizations teamed up to scour occupied Germany for as much military, scientific and technological development research as they could uncover. 

Trailing behind Allied combat troops, groups such as the Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee (CIOS) began confiscating war-related documents and materials and interrogating scientists as German research facilities were seized by Allied forces. One enlightening discovery—recovered from a toilet at Bonn University—was the Osenberg List: a catalogue of scientists and engineers that had been put to work for the Third Reich.

In a covert affair originally dubbed Operation Overcast but later renamed Operation Paperclip, roughly 1,600 of these German scientists (along with their families) were brought to the United States to work on America’s behalf during the Cold War. The program was run by the newly-formed Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), whose goal was to harness German intellectual resources to help develop America’s arsenal of rockets and other biological and chemical weapons, and to ensure such coveted information did not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union. 

Although he officially sanctioned the operation, President Harry Truman forbade the agency from recruiting any Nazi members or active Nazi supporters. Nevertheless, officials within the JIOA and Office of Strategic Services (OSS)—the forerunner to the CIA—bypassed this directive by eliminating or whitewashing incriminating evidence of possible war crimes from the scientists’ records, believing their intelligence to be crucial to the country’s postwar efforts. more here

16 Comments on Operation Paperclip

  1. USSR did the same thing although their captured German engineers were prisoners. They were largely responsible for the development of the Mig 15 (along with license-built RollsRoyce engines) that killed a lot of our pilots in Korea.

  2. My high school best friend’s father was Dr. Clarence Larson. He developed the chemical process to refine uranium during the Manhattan Project. He went on to lead Oak Ridge National Labs and The Atomic Energy Commission. I didn’t know this at the time. He was such a nice and humble person.
    https://youtu.be/ofs6-K7UCSU?si=e7hiaCtTH0IFo2ZT – Interviews Alvin Weinberg

  3. Mistakes were made.
    Wilson was in over his head at Versailles. That set the stage for WWII.
    As Germany rearmed, nobody listened to Churchill.
    Franklin got played by Stalin at Yalta. (Nobody listened to Churchill.) Poland got a raw deal. Again.
    Russia “won” the race to Berlin; occupation zones favored the Soviets. That made the Cold War inevitable.
    The U.N.? Doomed at birth.

  4. Bridget – Wilson brought about the horrors of the 20th century by ACTIVELY getting us into WW1 in the first place. Shipping munitions on ships like the Lusitania, in CLEAR VIOLATION of the neutrality agreement, was absolutely his plan to keep his bankster friends happy with our involvement. Once we were involved, the stalemate and what should have been armistice with ALL empires left intact, turned into a much longer conflict that led to the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire (and thus the current mess in the M.E.), the immoral treatment of Germany (that led to the rise of Hitler), and the prolonged involvement of Russia that likely led to the rise of Lenin and the Communists in Russia. It most certainly did NOT begin at Versailles. Versailles was simply where the atrocities against Germany were set in motion.

  5. there was also a U.S. government program to bring Nazi spies and others involved in espionage and counter espionage to the U.S. fact of the matter is that the actual government running the U S. government has Soo much blood on its hands all the bleach in the world ain’t getting rid of it. they have committed the ultimate betrayal and to be honest I thought we were all equal in the eyes of the law but that doesn’t seem true. they can play fast and loose with U.S. law and we cannot? fuck that and fuck them as well.

  6. Eugenia,
    Sorry to break it to ya, but “Crystal City” was not the only “family internment camp”, as per the Amazon blurb. There was another family internment camp at Topaz Mountain, Utah. Mainly for Japanese from the West coast, IIRC. I’m sure there were others internment camps for other nationalities scattered around the US.
    Now, Crystal City may have been the only one involved in prisoner exchanges.
    Final note: may the soul of FDR (if he had one) be burning in Hell, and raped hourly by the seven barbed cocks of Satan.
    (BTW, when was the last time FDR In Hell graced the pages of IOTWReport?)

  7. I read a book about the Reichstag fire that discussed the post-was situation. While the Allies would have loved to have not used Nazis for anything, they came to the realization that anyone who knew how to do anything was a Nazi. I’m sure that was the sam3 thing here.

  8. @ President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neanderthal B Woodman Domestic Violent Extremist SuperStraight, Thanks for that information. I will look it up and see what I can find. I need a few more WW II books to add to the piles to make sure I am truly buried when they fall. My husband brings me something from the gun shows every week. May the soul of FDR have unending, unannounced violent diarrhea.

    FDR was pro Commie. He hated Winnie and so we went to Normandy instead of up the Balkans – as Winnie correctly said we should!
    HST – after he found out FDR kept him in the dark on many important things – invited Winnie to Fulton in 1946; KNOWING WINNIE WOULD BLAST FDR! That was where Winie gave his famous for conservatives, infamous for “Bush Republicans” -iIRON CURTAIN SPEACH.

    “From Stettin ….”
    I herd a replay on “news” next day!

    Since most teachers have been “Neo Commies” for 70 years the speech and its meaning have been “memory holed”

    Winnie told the world FDR created the a”Cold War” by not going up the ‘balkans and following “Uncle Joe’s” orders and Normandy!
    For emphasis
    FDR was the original “Bush Republican”; so he hated Winnie. America attacked Normandy to help “Uncle Joe” as Winnie made clear 3/5/46.
    HST knew what he was doing. It was no “coinky dink” Winnie gave that speech in 1946.
    And leftist press and teachers “memory hole” it intentionally!
    Could not read in ’46; but could hear and understand!
    Was a conservative, Ronny Democrat. No longer D; ut still conservative Ronny man!


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