Operation Stop Bernie leaves Warren alone – IOTW Report

Operation Stop Bernie leaves Warren alone

Patriot Retort: It was a banner 24 hours for Operation Stop Bernie, wasn’t it?  They drove Buttigieg out on Sunday and sent Klobuchar packing on Monday.

Hell, they even hustled the arm-flailing doofus out of obscurity to offer his endorsement to their chosen candidate.

Naturally, some folks are wondering why Operation Stop Bernie is leaving Pocahasbeen in place to fight another day.

I have some ideas.

12 Comments on Operation Stop Bernie leaves Warren alone

  1. “…Naturally, some folks are wondering why Operation Stop Bernie is leaving Pocahasbeen in place to fight another day…”

    For the same reason that people like to see a train wreck, or rubberneck at the scene of a car accident. It’s tragic comedy. Plus, she provides great material for a Trump rally.

  2. Biden has dementia. If he gets the nomination and then drops out before the election, the DNC officials can decide amongst themselves who to put up as a replacement. It doesn’t even go to Biden’s choice for VP. No “brokered convention” even necessary. Biden could be strong-armed out with threats because of his health, and especially given his precarious legal issues vis a vis the Ukraine. Meanwhile, if he’s running he stays “arguably” protected from criminal prosecution from the Trump DOJ, Bloomberg keeps funding the DNC, and the establishment gets another few months to campaign anti-Trump (their only “issue”.)

  3. Janitor hits the nail on the head, Pedo Joe Biden is a placeholder for Hillezibub..,he was put in to legitimize the impeachment and hold serve until the Lizard Queen steps in at the convention to job Bernie yet again.

    This was all set up before Handsy Grabby Uncle Joey (BCP) was pushed in by the wholly owned subsidiary of Murder Inc known as the Demon Nominating Convention.

    It’s been a set up from the jump which is why this perv is the presumptive nominee. He will have a judicial pre-empting health crisis and the Golden Muu Muu ( HA Goodman) will descend from the rafters of the Milwaukee Convention Center.

  4. I’ve seen people die and am amazed at how long the spirit can last in a body that should be dead already. Liz needs to give up the ghost before rottoness sets in.


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