Opposition crushes socialists in Venezuela election, wins legislative majority – IOTW Report

Opposition crushes socialists in Venezuela election, wins legislative majority


If “the best of the revolution is yet to come,” as Venezuela’s socialists are fond of promising, the word hasn’t filtered down to regular citizens who have a hard time laying their hands on basic necessities like milk and toilet paper. The left-wing paradise established by the late Hugo Chavez has been a disaster for the average citizen, and last night Venezuelans did something about it in overwheliming numbers – giving opposition candidates a massive majority in the National Assembly, and severely limiting the power of Chavez successor Nicolas Maduro to keep pushing state control and imprisonment of political opponents.

Unfortunately, the opposition does not exactly consist of a bunch of supply-siders:

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3 Comments on Opposition crushes socialists in Venezuela election, wins legislative majority

  1. Venezuela oscillates between full-bore socialism and squishy European socialism, and has for decades. Until they can shake off their affinity for marxist pseudo-philosophy, they will continue to be miserable.

    I wish em luck … but they need more than luck.

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