Opposition to Wind and Solar Projects Grows – IOTW Report

Opposition to Wind and Solar Projects Grows

AZ Sun Times:

Legislatures in 23 states and the District of Columbia have passed some form of a carbon-free electricity goal, but many of these measures do not address the ancillary costs of making it happen.

Michigan was the latest, passing a law in November 2023 that requires 100% carbon-free electricity by 2040. Within the law’s “clean energy” goals is a provision that aims to stop local communities from impeding the renewable energy projects.
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11 Comments on Opposition to Wind and Solar Projects Grows

  1. the message is clear. shut up and sit down. solar panels, wind farms, climate change, electric cars, schools, politics, medicine, media….. no aspects of life will be untouched by the govern of force.

  2. We have this in Virginia. The state legislature mandated the two biggest utilities to be all ‘renewable’ energy by 2045 and 2050. The pushback has been somewhat successful, through grassroots action and local zoning ordinances. But now, a Northern Va rep has introduced exactly this sort of legislation, that would allow the state to override local zoning decision.

    Of course, the acres required for solar ‘farms’ are in the poorer, rural counties, while the developers and other beneficiaries are in the wealthier, urban areas of the state. And, here’s the kicker: Northern Virginia (DC suburbs, urban) has the largest concentration of data centers IN THE WORLD and is building more –which will DOUBLE the state’s energy demand in the next 15 years. See here:

    Fight this, wherever you live! And, if you live in Virginia, read this and contact your rep to vote against it:

  3. Sorry, didn’t get the link in re: the urban/rural conflict between data centers and solar ‘farms’… This is an excellent and very recent video that explains it in 8 minutes. It gives me a glimmer of hope that some of the greenies are finally beginning to see the cost to the environment of their ‘clean’ energy.

    WATCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAPusgiz4B8

  4. …as governments become more tyrannical, opposition in all forms becomes essential.

    This is a book written by environmental hippies in the ’70s about how to stop things from being built in pristine wilderness.

    No reason it can’t be used in exactly the same way in rural areas when it comes to solar and wind projects.


    “Always pull up survey stakes. Anywhere you find them. Always.”
    -Edward Abbey, “The Monkey Wrench Gang”

    …not suggesting anything, but looking at this book, doncha know. Somehow seems to fit the theme…

  5. Well, I’m impressed at how Michiganders are fighting Whitmer on this. I see something almost every day where local communities are fighting. Whitmer took control of all local power and put it under her control. I thing she will be surprised when she doesn’t win. Please, God, don’t let her win!

    What is helping us is over the last four weeks is that we had only 2-3 days of sunshine and one day of only one hour of sunshine. That is Michigan in the winter. Whitmer is a fool if she thinks solar will work here.

    And, except for one day of the snowstorm, we haven’t had ANY wind. So, nix the wind turbines.

    If I live another 20 years (it’s possible!), I might have to move to a red state with actual sane (mostly) government.

    Oh, and if you hear that Whitmer is running for any federal government position, DON’T let it happen. Believe me! I am trying so hard not to HATE her, but every day she proves that she is a spawn of Satan. Her latest? She keeps telling Biden that he needs to speak more forcefully in favor of abortion.

  6. Hey Claudia, kinda funny that Whitmer wants Michigan to be carbon free but also wants a Chinese battery plant with all it’s heavy metals and child labor to bring us Lithium and Cobalt. Ya can’t save the world by polluting it.
    And she is pure evil. She is probably drooling over the though of doing another lockdown when virus X is officially announced.


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