Oprah on Hillary: ‘You don’t have to like her’ – IOTW Report

Oprah on Hillary: ‘You don’t have to like her’

nobody asked you

The former talk show host and media mogul, who endorsed Hillary Clinton in June, said she has been largely silent in this election because she wasn’t sure she had words that were loud enough to be heard over the tumult.

Oh, oh okay. Everybody STFU now because Oprah has something to say!!!!


“She’s not coming over to your house! You don’t have to like her,” she said. “You don’t have to like her. Do you like this country? Do you like this country? You better get out there and vote. Do you like the country? Do you like freedom and liberty? Do you like this country? OK. Do you like democracy or do you want a demagogue?”

Isn’t she about due to harass a store owner for racism or something?

If you want to read the rest, it’s at Politico.

15 Comments on Oprah on Hillary: ‘You don’t have to like her’

  1. I don’t need to read the rest. Just had my prostate fingered by the doc to see if the pills I have to swallow ever damn day just to be able to pee are working.

    That ain’t pleasant.

    Listening to Oprah is a close second as regards things I find unpleasant.

  2. If she had any concern for “her people” she’d endorse Donald Thump.
    BTW. Were it not for stupid, bored white women she wouldn’t amount to a sack of cow dung. Yet she endorsed oblowme.

  3. Was that speech written by ‘You-don’t-have-to-read-it-to -pass-it’, Obamacare ‘expert’ who exempted herself and all of her cronies from the evils of Obamacare Pelosi?

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