Orange County, CA Workers Begin Moving Transients out of the Santa Ana Riverbed – IOTW Report

Orange County, CA Workers Begin Moving Transients out of the Santa Ana Riverbed

KFI:SANTA ANA (CNS) – Orange County officials today began moving transients out of the Santa Ana riverbed to shelters or motels, as a federal judge lifted a temporary restraining order that had prohibited the clearing out of the encampments along biking and hiking trails.

The county got a head start on the process starting last Tuesday, when U.S. District Judge David O. Carter turned what had been expected to be a preliminary injunction hearing into a workshop on how to problem-solve the encampment issue. Carter was at the riverbed about 8 this morning to announce the lifting of his TRO so the work could begin.

Since last Tuesday, officials have gotten 178 people into 157 motel rooms, according to Jen Nentwig, a spokeswoman for the Orange County chief executive’s office.

“Things are progressing as planned,” Nentwig said this morning.

Orange County Public Works officials had large trucks available to pick up trash and to help transients carry their belongings to storage areas. Orange County social workers were discussing with each homeless person whether it was best to place them in a shelter or a motel room as they consider more stable, long-term housing.

As of last week, officials estimated there were about 400 transients still left in the riverbed from a population that had swelled to more than 1,000 at one point. Social workers had managed to get many to alternative housing, but a group remained, forcing a showdown in federal court last week between the county, which wanted to reopen up the biking and hiking trails to the public, and homeless advocates who wanted to make sure the transients didn’t end up on a criminal merry-go-round as they bounced from city to city, running afoul of anti-camping ordinances.  MORE HERE

13 Comments on Orange County, CA Workers Begin Moving Transients out of the Santa Ana Riverbed

  1. “Since last Tuesday, officials have gotten 178 people into 157 motel rooms, according to Jen Nentwig, a spokeswoman for the Orange County chief executive’s office.”

    Aaaaaack, I wouldn’t live within 200 miles of those motel rooms, lice and bed bugs have suitcases and travel, so does Hepatitis A. I’d hate to have to be the maid cleaning those rooms. No effing way!

  2. I wonder if the homeless that are getting hotel are criminals illegal aliens. We know that California is expensive and the criminal illegal aliens can’t afford rent. I hope this fuc don’t get hotel room. Or I will make sure I call ICE

  3. It ain’t funny dudes.
    Gona get worse for Cali
    with demoratz & more & more parasite illegals.
    Plus more mentally disturbed people on the street…

  4. @BUTTHEADICUS alter ego of RADIOATIONMAN: I’m forking in some $$$ for a one way ticket out of California for these lice and bed bug carriers. They might end up in your State! I’ll even throw in a ham sammich just to seal the deal. 🙂

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