Ordering the Sampler Appetizer platter protects you from COVID – IOTW Report

Ordering the Sampler Appetizer platter protects you from COVID

PATRIOT RETORT: The air must be really thin up there on Dead Body Mountain.  Governor “Boy I Really Nailed This Thing” Cuomo took some time out from his victory lap over having the highest per capita death rate in the country to issue yet another dictate.  From here on out, restaurants must not serve alcohol to patrons unless said patrons also orders food.  Apparently a gin and tonic alone puts you at risk for COVID, but ordering the sampler appetizer platter along with that G&T renders you immune. more

7 Comments on Ordering the Sampler Appetizer platter protects you from COVID

  1. It’s amazing the various ways COVID can suddenly strike and presto, just like that make a hard left and whew 😅 tragedy avoided.
    Why, errbody knows COVID stands for:


  2. Andrew Cuomo – think about it … the greatest mass murderer in the history of the United States

    congratulations Baby Doc Cuomo! you’ve supplanted Osama Bin Laden … in the same state, even.

    by your executive fiat, moving Chinese Virus patients into Nursing Homes killed off over 4,000 ‘wards of the state’, relieving you of the burden of financing their care … that you, & your predecessor father, promised them

    Bravo Butcher Cuomo! you’ll rank right up there as #1 among America’s finest serial killers!

    … anyone for a presidential campaign in ’24?

  3. simple progressive logic from fredo’s older dumber brother –

    “restaurants must not serve alcohol to patrons unless said patrons also orders food. Apparently a gin and tonic alone puts you at risk for COVID, but ordering the sampler appetizer platter along with that G&T renders you immune.”

    i have always said that man is retarded

  4. This was actually my first thought/reaction when I heard of the food requirement. Serve one olive or french fry with a drink. Share some chips at a table. Something! It’s all so dystopian.

    Controllers gonna control. <– the real fascists.

    Side-steppers gonna step.

  5. Tin foil hat time. Do you suppose a relative, associate, big donor, or mobster (it is NY) maybe suggested that making people who drink pay for something else might help boost revenues?

    Probably not, but I don’t have enough alcohol on board to make sense of this. As if I would be able to ever drink enough to make sense of it. Maybe if I order a pupu platter.


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