Ordinary New Yorkers and Anthony Fauci make a mockery of ‘science’ – IOTW Report

Ordinary New Yorkers and Anthony Fauci make a mockery of ‘science’

American Thinker-

By Andrea Widburg

Science is a buzzword on the left, but an Ami Horowitz video about masks, combined with Fauci’s contention that attacking him is the same as denying science, shows that there is no difference on the left between science and ideology.  The former is completely subsumed into the latter.

In my neck of the woods (the Southeast), even during the height of COVID mania, only about 50% of people wore masks outdoors.  And depending on which store you were in, not everybody was wearing them indoors, either.  Target had full mask compliance.  Walmart and Palmetto Armory did not.

Things are different now.  First, the CDC finally conceded that masks aren’t necessary outdoors.  More importantly, masks aren’t necessary for people who have been vaccinated.  And still more importantly, we know from Fauci’s emails that he was lying to people when he insisted on masks.  He knew all along that people weren’t wearing masks that made the slightest bit of difference in stopping the virus’s spread (something the data confirm).

Again in my neck of the woods, a conservative state, people are abandoning their masks with the utmost rapidity.  That’s not the case in many places.  Ami Horowitz went out on the streets of New York to find out why vaccinated people were still wearing masks outdoors.  He reminded all of them that, if you’re vaccinated and outdoors, it is virtually impossible to get or give COVID.

What is fascinating is that most people really struggled to come up with an answer as to why, on a lovely spring day, they were suffocating themselves on the streets of New York.  A lot of them said they had just gotten used to the masks.  Some, though, had principled reasons, and I can say with absolute honesty that every one of their principles was the result of Stockholm syndrome or brainwashing: MORE

h/t NAAC.

6 Comments on Ordinary New Yorkers and Anthony Fauci make a mockery of ‘science’

  1. on a related note- they’re now going to market seatbelts, so that people can wear one when they’re not in their cars. Several states are looking at making wearing them mandatory,

  2. Masks are an easy way for those who lack virtue to virtue signal. That’s why the left loves them. That’s all it’s about–it has nothing to do with science.

  3. After AT caved to Dominion and apologized for all their stories about its involvement in the 2020 election, I no longer give a fuck what they have to say. They’re either fools who didn’t do their due diligence before publishing, or they’re cowards who won’t defend their own reporting.


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