Oregon: 2 Conservative Counties Want To Become Idaho – IOTW Report

Oregon: 2 Conservative Counties Want To Become Idaho

Well, they’re talking with Idaho about it, for now.

RedState: Meanwhile, Two Conservative Oregon Counties Are SO OVER Blue State Life They Just Voted to Join Idaho.

How tired are conservative rural Oregonians of dictatorial leftist Gov. Kate Brown, Antifa-apologist Mayor Ted Wheeler and riot-torn Portland, and the whole “People’s Republic of Oregon” “progressive” mess? Tired enough to vote to become part of next-door Idaho.

As reported by Forbes, two conservative Oregon counties approved a non-binding ballot measure to “Move Oregon’s Borders” that will require county officials to hold meetings about the counties leaving the state to become part of their deep-red neighbor.

Advocates with “Move Oregon’s Border for a Greater Idaho” were able to get the measure on the ballot, according to Forbes, as part of a “peaceful revolution” for more conservative parts of the state to join Idaho, which was part of a long-shot movement to expand land-locked Idaho’s border to the Pacific Ocean, and annex most of Oregon as they do. read more

16 Comments on Oregon: 2 Conservative Counties Want To Become Idaho

  1. This country splitting into two: one very red and the other very blue – much like India split into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan in the late 1940’s, seems inevitable now.

    First thing, build a strong wall between the USA and the USSA.

  2. Peter the Bubblehead
    NOVEMBER 6, 2020 AT 6:07 AM
    “This country splitting into two: one very red and the other very blue – much like India split into Hindu India and Muslim Pakistan in the late 1940’s, seems inevitable now”

    …true, but now “Hindu” India has been reinfected by Islam pouring over from the North, both because Islam creates so much want that even India looks good and because Islam is an expansionist, militant philosophy that requires world domination and can accept no competing idea, so in order to keep the evil from taking over, absent killing Muslims in job lots they would have to keep splitting the former Raj smaller and smaller until nothing was left.

    …now take that statement, move it to Greater Idaho, substitute “Democrat” for “Muslim”, and it still applies perfectly.

    You will NOT be left alone.

    They WILL continue to spread the poison they are breeding in the Democrat cities and the Democrat universities.

    And they HATE your freedom and will not tolerate it.

    Either your new territory will be subsumed piece by piece, or you will have to turn and fight why you can.

    Coexisting is never an option with someone dedicated to killing you.

    As it is with Islam, so it is with Democrats.

    You can’t run any more.

    You can fight…or die.

    They have left you, and us, NO other choice.

    I will not accept a pedophile presidency, but I am one man.

    And it seems the rest of the Red states are resigning themselves to it, even as our President continues to fight against this open steal.

    You will not be left alone, no matter what.

    Fight and possibly die.

    Or don’t fight and SURELY die.

    You truly have no other choice…

  3. Hate to tell ya but the same locust bullshit that flipped CO from a solid red state to a state that just elected, by a wide margin no less, John Hickenlooper to the senate, is now working it’s magic on ID.

    ID is in fact the #1 state in the number of people that are relocating to. A stat considering Texas, that if true, will have ID looking like GA(WTF HAPPENED THERE????) much sooner than later.

    I have friends in CdL that tell me disturbing stories about the larger cities in the south of ID as well as CdL itself. Disturbing in that, sure as the sun rises in the east, the locusts are voting to change the way locals have set policy.

    Peter(above) said build a wall. I don’t know if he’s being facetious but something has to be done about a huge influx of locusts leaving shitholes and coming to your town and doing the same fucking thing.

  4. Don’t Californicate Idaho. Idaho needs to annex all of the Wallowa valley in NE Oregon as reparations for the US Govt. stealing the Wallowa valley from Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce Indians in the 1870’s. One can dream, the Nez Perce were hosed by the US govt., starting an Indian war in 1876 and chased across NW Montana almost to the Canadian border by the US Army and then given shitty land up around Nespelem, Wash. in Eastern Wash. state as a reservation.

  5. This rural part of Northern California has been trying to secede since before WW2. STATE OF JEFFERSON!!. Fat chance that it will happen because California wants our water and our resources. Other than that they pretty much leave us alone and ignore us. For now that is.

    Lately…however…to our dismay, people from the deep Blue Areas of California are fleeing to our areas. They bring their smug and supercilious know-it-all-ism with them. God help us!

    This new movement for Greater Idaho is nothing but a nice pipe dream and will be infected by the Liberal mindset if it came to that.

    There is a solution to this…but…would likely put us all in jail.

  6. geoff the aardvark
    NOVEMBER 6, 2020 AT 7:49 AM
    “The Babylon Bee has an excellent video today called A song to heal the nation”

    …I think there’s a different song more appropriate for our times…

    “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
    He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
    He has loosed the fateful lightening of His terrible swift sword
    His truth is marching on

    Glory, glory, hallelujah

    Glory, glory, hallelujah

    Glory, glory, hallelujah

    His truth is marching on

    I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps
    They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps
    I can read His righteous sentence in the dim and flaring lamps
    His day is marching on

    Glory, glory, hallelujah

    Glory, glory, hallelujah

    Glory glory hallelujah

    His truth is marching on

    In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea
    With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me
    As He died to make men holy let us die to make men free
    While God is marching on

    Glory, glory, hallelujah

    Glory, glory, hallelujah

    Glory glory hallelujah

    His truth is marching on”
    “Battle Hymn of the Republic”

    …we’ve had to fight Democrat Slavers before.

    Attend to the last stanza.

    Our Lord died for our salvation.

    Can we do less than die for our freedom?

    I will have no allegiance to a pedophile, nor to the Whore of Babylon he brings to supplant him.

    I will not acknowledge the results of a clearly fraudulent election.

    I will not comply.

    Will you?

    …some hard decisions lie ahead, and some tribulations for those who would still follow the Lord while Satan usurps the rule of the land.

    Lord, make us equal to the task.

    With you before us, none will stand against us.

    Lord we ask Your mighty hand to deal with these perverts, these reprobates, these usurpers and destroyers, those who will speed the slaughter of the innocent in hideous sacrifice to Baal even as they move to mutilate Your work on the living bodies of the children You placed into this world. The enemy has forecasted his devices against us, we ask only the honor of being Your anointed instruments of retribution against him.

    We ask this all in the glorious name of Jesus, amen.


  7. And I want to go turn back 30 years.
    I hated Papa Bush for screwing up all that President Reagan accomplished and rightfully losing to friggin Bubba!
    Gulf War I was a joke.
    But I could ignore it all because wifey and I were worked hard plus remodeled our cozy little first home.
    After that, things keep getting worse in big slams except for the raising of our 2 great successful kids.

  8. Both Oregon and Washington have been “Californicated” over the past 50 years. Once-conservative areas like Bend OR and Port Angeles WA have been deluged with liberals escaping the high cost of living. Of course the stupid asses bring their politics with them.

  9. There is no escape….. Supernightshade November 6, 2020 at 6:26 am as well as MMinAR November 6, 2020 at 7:06 am seem to “get it”. Those prog corksmokers that (like locusts) move to conservative areas and infiltrate the local governments and upset the political balance are NOT “escaping” anything…. They are a virus that needs to be eradicated. There is an effective injection…

  10. Ann’s column is off the rails for a very big reason. No fucking way would a SAR allow 100s of 1,000s of Communist Chinese troops to make it across the Pacific.

    The country is pretty evenly divided population wise. We can not continue to share the same space with these out of their mind crazy people.

    Further, allowing them to migrate to the saner parts of the country like ID, MT, AR, TX and AL is going to give us more COs, GAs and NCs.

    No? Please list for me the states that are demographically turning red. These crazy people will cluster into huge population centers like Dallas, Little Rock, Austin, Boise, Birmingham, Montgomery…just like they have done in Denver and will overwhelm the rural parts of the state.

    You can put me down for some kind of separation. Keep San Diego with a corridor through s CA for access and our Navy. Same deal with some ports on the east coast. And we’d own the Gulf.

    So yeah, fuck ’em.

    It’s on the cusp right now for AZ and GA. Georgia?? Can you believe that?



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