Oregon ‘accidentally’ releases Vaccination status for 40,000 state employees – IOTW Report

Oregon ‘accidentally’ releases Vaccination status for 40,000 state employees

CFP: Oregon’s central administrative agency on Monday inadvertently released the vaccination status of more than 40,000 individual state employees to The Oregonian/OregonLive and another media outlet.

A spreadsheet sent to the news organizations was supposed to contain the latest vaccination rates and vaccine exemption rates for each executive branch agency overseen by Gov. Kate Brown, who in August issued a mandate for many state employees to get vaccinated by Monday. The Oregonian/OregonLive has requested daily updates from the state recently but only aggregate figures for each agency.

Instead, Oregon Department of Administrative Services External Relations Director Adam Crawford emailed a file to The Oregonian/OregonLive and the Salem Statesman Journal Monday containing vaccination status by name for all executive branch employees: whether they are verified as vaccinated, received a medical or religious exemption, their vaccination record or exemption request is still being processed, or they had not submitted any information. more

11 Comments on Oregon ‘accidentally’ releases Vaccination status for 40,000 state employees

  1. The article says the union is still considering how to respond; an earlier agreement between them and the exec branch supposedly guaranteed confidentiality.

    I recommend that the union consider undertaking a bloodless coup. If that doesn’t work for them, then how about a non-bloodless coup?

  2. Al, that is what I assumed but the way the article was written they went from 40,000 state employees, then only specifically referenced the executive branch. I was mostly just stirring things up.

  3. joe6pac
    We have 68,292 state employees here, not including teachers,county,city,and Feds working in the state.
    I bet it is well over 250,000 in Washington all together.


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