Oregon bans fireworks all year round to fight climate change – IOTW Report

Oregon bans fireworks all year round to fight climate change

Oregon Catalyst– Despite last year that Portland became the #1 homicide rate increase City in America, the politicians aim to crack down on a different crime priority by passing a law this week completely banning fireworks all year round as a way to reduce fires and fight climate change.  It also bans sky lanterns.

Portland Commissioner Dan Ryan said, “We’re in a climate crisis that’s forcing everybody to look at their pleasures they get out of life, and then wonder what ones do we need to let go of as we all learn collectively to do everything we can to preserve our precious planet as long as we can.” more

23 Comments on Oregon bans fireworks all year round to fight climate change

  1. So how soon will they ban cows because of all the cow farts supposedly contributing to globull warming? And what about dairy cows that give white milk, isn’t that racist as well. And does chocolate milk count as a cow by product of color?

  2. Go F yourselves. These are the people who have a pathological NEED to tell everyone else what to do and how to live their lives. Not in my America. I’ll do what I want. Go crawl back in your house, put on your mask and your helmet, and leave me the F alone.

  3. When I was very young, I asked my mother in a store upon seeing a black baby, if black babies got chocolate milk. If so, they were lucky I said. True story.

  4. Liberals are killjoys except for the joy of murder and the joy of perverted sex. Add to that the joy of bad science and the joy of lying and the joy of telling everybody how to live their lives and the joy of telling everybody what to think.

  5. After leaving our coastal Florence, Oregon home for Arizona people ask me if it was for health reason because of the drier climate. I tell them it was for MENTAL HEALTH reasons, I needed to get away from stupid effin commie bitches (not just Gov. Kate, but all the democRATS) that have invaded that state and ruined it!

  6. I’m taking them to court. This raaaaay cist. How can I effectively express my 1st Amendment rights if I can’t shoot bottle rockets etc at the Portland police station and various other government buildings I. Portland ??

  7. @ SNS MARCH 4, 2022 AT 9:37 AM

    Two completely different products comprised of completely different compounds unless you are talking black powder. Pyrotechnical powder is way to fast for use in propelling a projectile down a barrel at anything more than a minimum charge and you can’t get much in the way of velocity out of it. I know this first hand from first hand experiments and then follow-up research done as a ten year old. My buddy and I were absolutely beside ourselves by that age because we were limited to bb guns and were looking for a way around the arms embargo our parents had imposed on us. It began with the damnable rifle with a wooden bullet they expected me to be satisfied with while I was still wearing three cornered pants and frustrated my advancement were deliberately stymied by attempted a couple years of intense study and subsequent conversions of that useless piece of junk to a more lethal state using hand only tools. The malicious bastards also restricted our access to elected power tools.

    Our early success was thanks to our access to the training areas on Ft Lewis via a short trip on our Schwinn Stingrays and the unexploded munitions and blank cartridges gleaned therein. We also found that the blank powder was far too fast burning to be of much use… but with “yellow powder” we hit the Jackpot. It was used as a propellent in signal flares and each one contained a good quarter pound. By tying our test barrels (gas pipe with a cap on one end) to an old tire and pointing them at a piece of 3/4 plywood and then lighting the fuse and hiding behind a tree we were able to conduct our ballistic testing in perfect safety. If with increased powder charges our barrel blew up the powder charge was creating too much pressure prior to the projectile gaining momentum sufficient to get going and we tried would abandon further testing and try a different propellent. “Yellow powder” gave us our first true success, with it we could blow a rock or home case lead slug wrapped in a rag or leather patch right through a couple pieces of 3/4 plywood at 20 yards. Which was about the limit of practical accuracy until we got our hands on some discarded 50 cal machine gun barrels that still had enough rifling left to make them useful to us.

    I still look back at that bolt action contraption with a wooden bullet in it as a contrivance designed specifically to set our important work back by a couple of years.

    As soon as we got our hands on real armament we were too busy putting them to good use to continue our experimentation.

  8. An open attack on boyhood. Boys like to blow shit up. All true red blooded American boys like to blow shit up. This is an affront to God, and it will not stand. Boys will still find a way to blow shit up.

    It is also is a disservice to girls, it gives them one less thing to tattle tell on then stand around smirking over.

  9. Amen, JDHasty, my 3 brothers and I all liked to blow up things and make our own explosives and smoke bombs etc. It’s a wonder none of us ever were injured or wounded with all the dumb things we did back in the 60’s and early 70’s. We didn’t have a sister but one of my neighbor’s younger brothers was the neighborhood fink and stool pigeon.

  10. Geoff & JDHasty
    BTDT, especially remember holding a Black Cat in my hand. Stung like hell, and my ears rang for days. Ahhhh, good times.

  11. I live in NM. Fireworks are legal here. The problem with legal fireworks: the people who buy them are precisely the jerks who should not have them.

    I grew up in Michigan. Fireworks are illegal there. They are worried about forest fires. If you dig a hole two feet deep in Michigan you hit water.I never heard of a forest fire in MI all the time I lived there.

  12. Meanwhile, Antifa and Homeless people start fires that burn Portland and millions of acres of Oregon forests, and the progressives in charge allow it, unabated.

  13. Fireworks are not a problem and have F**kall to do with climate change. The problem is ignorant assholes who don’t know where it’s ok to set them off, and when it’s time to STOP.


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