OREGON: Bill opens door for convicted criminals in schools – IOTW Report

OREGON: Bill opens door for convicted criminals in schools

Oregon Catalyst

By Oregon House Republican Caucus,

Democrats move forward with legislation opening door to convicted criminals in schools

HB 2942 would allow individuals convicted of drug dealing, sex crimes to work and volunteer in K-12 settings

Salem, Ore. – Oregon Democrats in the House Committee on Judiciary voted to move forward with a bill that would open the door to convicted criminals working and volunteering in K-12 educational settings.

HB 2942 would create a pathway for individuals charged and convicted of crimes such as manufacturing and/or delivering hard drugs like cocaine, heroin and meth or prostitution—including crimes targeting children within 1,000 feet of a school—to be eligible to work in school settings. more here

13 Comments on OREGON: Bill opens door for convicted criminals in schools

  1. Every few years I have to get an RCMP check to maintain my professional licence. The last time I did, it seemed to raise a red flag (just as Ted Kennedy was on the No Fly list). I had to go through extra scrutiny to get cleared.

    I guess it never occurred to them that I was here on a permanent resident visa and would have probably been deported if I had been convicted of a crime.

  2. Something is REALLY wrong with so-called PEOPLE doing what the Democrats are doing.

    Is it the non-ionizing radiation from nearby 4G, 5G, etc. microwaves? Or, drugs? Or just some form of inherited mental illness caused by their parents, or eating choices and what they are consuming daily, causing malnutrition affecting their minds and rationality?

    This is just unreasonable. What is the matter with these people? These convicted criminals could be made eligible for thousands of other jobs elsewhere outside a school setting.

    Other than that, it seems then, that this is just one more act of war by these particularly sick and insane “Democrats” in trying to destroy Our Country, piece by piece.

  3. Harming children helps destroy traditional families and weaken society. The left will do anything to gain more control, so this move shouldn’t be surprising. Nothing is off the table with them.

  4. Regarding the “crimes targeting children”, it’s another part of the push to normalize pedophilia. Pick an abhorrent behavior and Democrats want to glorify, normalize and embrace it.

    Unaccompanied minors streaming over our borders are exciting to them beyond words. A means to sate their ever-increasing desires and make tax free money in the process as they sell these kids off.

    Naturally, they want those that commit sex crimes against children let off because they understand the possibility that they could get caught up in the legal system as it currently exists some day.

    A federal judge has ruled that aspects of the Ghislaine Maxwell case are “too sensational and impure” to be shown to the public. Wanna guess what team the judge is playing for?

  5. @RadioMattM

    City of Toronto pulled the same thing with me for my HVAC lic.
    29 years straight with no issue, then a Red Flag, then nothing for 5 more years. ????

  6. Cloward Piven on steroids! (remember, Piven is still alive and working with the Biden administration)
    This is not only collapse the system, but shit, piss and stomp on everything that is right, good, just and moral! They consider US to be the enemy. Cloward-Piven’s early promoters cited radical organizer Saul Alinsky as their inspiration. “Make the enemy live up to their (sic) own book of rules,”
    If we are their enemy, then by their own “logic” are THE enemy!

  7. When I was in college a guy was harassing a coed. I pounded the fuck out of him and I was in heap big trouble… then all of a sudden everything went silent.

    OK, so one minute they are looking to crucify me upside down and all of a sudden nobody is interested any longer.

    So what transpired? You ask.

    Well, the junior college was right across the street from Western State Mental Hospital. The very same Western State Hospital that CONVICTED LEVEL THREE SEX OFFENDERS ARE SENTENCED TO BE LOCKED UP IN. Got it? LOCKED UP, while being “treated” and reformed.

    I could probably stop right here and everyone reading this will know what was going on. The guy was in a “Program.” A program that surreptitiously had been infiltrating these perverts into the student body at Pierce College.

    The guy had everything I gave him coming to him and more and everybody knew it. What was now on their agenda was keeping the fact that they had snuck level three sex offenders onto campus to prey on coeds and wished to keep any knowledge of that from the public. Even more they didn’t want the public to have any knowledge that one of their darlings had basically forced his hand down the pants off and “grabbed a coed by the pussy.”


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