Oregon bill would give homeless $1,000 a month to spend with no restrictions – IOTW Report

Oregon bill would give homeless $1,000 a month to spend with no restrictions


A proposed Oregon bill would provide the deep blue state’s homeless population $1,000 per month that recipients could use at their own discretion.

The bill, introduced last month, would establish a People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program to give 12 monthly thousand-dollar payments to those suffering from homelessness or who are on the brink of becoming homeless.

“Payments may be used for rent, emergency expenses, food, child care or other goods or services of the participant’s choosing,” the bill states.

People who spend more than 50 percent of their monthly household income on rent, and those who earn 60% or less of the area median income would also be eligible for the funding.

The legislation would also require the Portland State University Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative to study how effective the long-term cash assistance program would be across different demographics and household populations, as well as consider other circumstantial elements, such as domestic violence. MORE

22 Comments on Oregon bill would give homeless $1,000 a month to spend with no restrictions

  1. First, Oregon legalizes most types of Drug Use. Now Oregon gives cash $$ to homeless people. You might as well just hand the bucks directly to the Drug Dealer; skip the “middleman” because he’s going to remain Homeless anyway… Who needs PSU to study it?

  2. No prosecution for drug users, now free money from the state. Oregon is becoming a bigger maga bum magnet.
    And don’t forget about the shoplifting that they don’t prosecute either. In March Wally World is closing down in Portland, They won’t say why.
    We all know why.
    It’s a race to the bottom.

  3. There’s an opportunity here. Someone could start a malt liquor, fortified wine, marijuana delivery service.
    Built on the Uber platform with an armed guard riding shotgun and no cash exchanged . It will keep a percentage of those losers off the road.

  4. I believe Los Angeles gives out 600 a month.

    All it did was attract more people and encourage them to be homeless. Why work if you don’t have to?

    There’s a reason God gave this to us:

    2 Thessalonians 3:10
    “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.”

    Man’s laws are far inferior and will lead you to hell.

  5. These people are a menace to civilized society. Rent?! Who do they think they’re fooling besides themselves? This is nothing but the foulest enabling of self-destructive behavior.

  6. “Payments may be used for rent, emergency expenses, food, child care or other goods or services of the participant’s choosing,”… buuuutt they won’t! I’m just surprised that they are telling us that this is a very effective way to put a dent in the college debt problem! Let’s just go ahead and give more money to these tit-sucking deadbeats who have already cost us trillions! Makes perfect sense… if you’re trying to bankrupt the nation like the Commies have been advocating to do since 1960!

  7. Must be a shortage of the “homeless” out there and I’m wondering if one particular commenter might recognize these…?

    “Government does not solve problems. It subsidizes them.”
    “If you want more of something, subsidize it; if you want less of something, tax it.”
    “If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”

  8. Where’s Oregon getting the $1000 per bum to give away?
    If you’re a taxpayer in that state, you’re a moron … well … that’s too harsh … they must be on board with it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Oregon competes well with California and Inslee grinds his teeth as he sleeps through the night… and part of the morning… rolling over and over in his mind… what to do, what to do, gotta be splashy, big! Oh how to keep up with the southern folk… whales? A whale fountain? Giant ball of string in Belltown? Free room and board, indefinitely, to anyone who asks? Rent control statewide? A state Ferris wheel straddling the cascades? Concierge heroin and meth injections for all who ask?

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