Oregon: CEO of Medford’s Rogue Valley Microdevices has announced her run as a Republican candidate for Governor 2022 – IOTW Report

Oregon: CEO of Medford’s Rogue Valley Microdevices has announced her run as a Republican candidate for Governor 2022


By Oregon Campaign Watch 2022:

Founder and CEO of Medford’s Rogue Valley Microdevices, Jessica Gomez, has announced her run as a Republican candidate for Governor 2022. Gomez is a former State Senate candidate who ran for the seat currently being held by Senator Jeff Golden. She has also been recognized in a list of “Women of influence” by the Portland Business Journal and 2017 Jackson County/Medford Chamber Member of the Year.

In a news release Jessica Gomez stated,

“For far too long, families and businesses across our state have been simply surviving. The journey beyond merely surviving is one I’ve experienced in my own life – as I made my way from homelessness as a teenager to a CEO by age 26. That path from surviving to thriving can be a reality for our whole state as well—and that’s why I’m running for Governor.  As your Governor, I’ll reboot Oregon’s economy by creating the business-friendly environment we need to deliver more jobs and opportunity across our whole state. Relentless taxes and regulations have been holding us back. Strong regional economies are the key to a strong Oregon. more

7 Comments on Oregon: CEO of Medford’s Rogue Valley Microdevices has announced her run as a Republican candidate for Governor 2022

  1. I don’t know a thing about Gomez except that “Jessica Gomez Recognized by Republican State Leadership Committee”.

    Frankly — and I need to learn a LOT more about her — I would not take a “Republican State Leadership Committee” endorsement or “recognition” (whatever that means) as a good starting point. Nearly all the state GOPs (and it looks like the GOP is trying to obfuscate who they are in Oregon) are ineffectual and anti-Trump/America First, and in favor of go-along, get-along, establishment politics.

  2. I don’t know whether she would be good or not, or at least less bad. I do know that they have to vote for her or be labeled racist and antifeminist. Now if she could identify as queer she should win with 100% of the vote or it means we have institutionalized racism. Right???

  3. Cmon man, it’s Oregon, she doesn’t stand a chance. Some Portland LBGTQWXYZ , pedophile, Marxist, Socialist, defund the police candidate is waiting in the wings. Portland, Salem, Eugene run the show. Get real.

  4. Hmmm, this is the first that I’ve heard of her. That being said, my first inclination is to go with the Sandy Mayor. He stood up last year, pretty much solo, and publicly defied the C-Mandates. That’s my kinda guy!

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