Oregon Fines Salon Owner $14,000 Because She Opened Her Doors Too Soon – IOTW Report

Oregon Fines Salon Owner $14,000 Because She Opened Her Doors Too Soon

— Threatens To Take Her Children Away!

Gateway Pundit: First it was Shelley Luther, in Austin, Texas. Now Lindsey Graham (no, not *that* Lindsey Graham), a salon owner in Salem, Oregon, is being targeted by state officials for having the audacity to open her business.

Despite being threatened with upwards of $70,000 in fines, she opened up on May 5th, in defiance of governor Kate Brown’s lockdown orders, while dozens rallied in support along the sidewalk.

Then the state started follow through with their threats. She has been fined $14,000 by OSHA, claiming she is putting her employees at risk. Except she doesn’t have any employees. Like many other salons, she rents out chairs to other stylists. They threatening more fines if she doesn’t close down again.

22 Comments on Oregon Fines Salon Owner $14,000 Because She Opened Her Doors Too Soon

  1. Do as I say or else.

    They don’t mean it as an empty threat.

    What can be done about it?

    Nothing, the courts are unlikely to back you up even if you have enough money to pursue it there (which you will lose in the process even if you win the case).

  2. ode to t**t-run ore-gone:
    .a royal dhimmi-rat fingered her crown
    .then proclaimed herself queen of the “town”
    .she ascended her throne
    .strained daintily & groaned,
    .squeezed out a miniature k. brown!

  3. Anonymous
    MAY 17, 2020 AT 12:05 PM

    “…What can be done about it?

    Nothing, the courts are unlikely to back you up even if you have enough money to pursue it there (which you will lose in the process even if you win the case).”

    …lot of truth here…they have MANY lawyers, you have NONE…they APPOINT judges, you do NOT…above all, THEY can outspend you because they have UNLIMITED money, some of which they took from YOU in taxes…they can also outwait you in delays and continuance and motions that all require YOU to pay for a lawyer, and even if there’s no CHANCE they’d win in COURT, they can play this game until you’ve lost your job and sold your house and can no longer afford a lawyer, ask General Flynn how THAT works…

    Laws are irrelevant to them…they have many, MANY other ways to break you…that’s why ONE resistor can’t fix it, it needs to be MILLIONS…

  4. I think a lot of these lawsuits will be winnable, particularly as they won’t be tried for months and we will have mostly recovered from the disease. Hoping that ACLJ and other lawyers will take up the cause. But I sure appreciate these few who are sticking their necks out – whether patriotism or from desperation.

  5. Had my wife shave my head a couple days ago with a 1/2″ guard. I couldn’t take it anymore. Did it outside. She says, “Are you going to sweep that up?” when it was all over with (btw, I look like a Q-Tip now). I said Yup as I come out on the patio armed with a leaf blower.

    Now when walking in the yard I mistake tufts of hair out the corner of my eye as mice.

  6. When a pervert has a “right” to watch porn in a public library and an ordinary American has lost the right to support themselves The Tree Of Liberty is getting mighty damn thirsty

    By the way, rights are given by God and exist irrespective of the government’s recognition. The state cannot take away a right, all they can do is delegitimize their authority by failing to recognize what are God given rights.

  7. LCD. Even if they win the lawsuit attorneys fees will be in far excess of the original fine. This is out of control and someone need to do something about it. That bitch Governor is a tyrant.

    When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

  8. Glad the canoe licking, unqualified, dumb ass governor did that. Democommunists are slipping in the polls, this just may tip them over the edge. A wise heterosexual Republican can then reverse the crazy air headed dyke, who thinks President Trump is a tyrant.

  9. She has nothing to fear!

    Even the Japanese, sons of samurai, knew, “The United States has a patriot, with a rifle, behind every blade of grass.”

    Pee-cough! Pee-cause!

  10. @Left Coast Dan May 17, 2020 at 12:26 pm

    > I think a lot of these lawsuits will be winnable, particularly as they won’t be tried for months and we will have mostly recovered from the disease.

    OK, Boomer.

    This is The United States. You get the “justice” you can pay for. Ask OJ. Then ask him again.

  11. I do believe that commie dyke gov. is in competition with the psycho bitch gov in Michigan! I think it way past time to start building gallows!


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