Lane County Republicans:
Florence City Council had a packed house on Monday, April 3, 2017. An item/proposal to make Florence a sanctuary city had previously been discussed. Though it was not specifically on the agenda, citizen residents filled the room to make their voices heard, knowing it had even been considered. MORE
h/t Dave
A very appropriate photo – a glimmer of light in a dark blue state. But, beware conservative Oregonians,as the governor can move like Moonbeam to make the entire state overrule your desires for sanity.
Bravo!! Citizens standing up is what is required to rein in these pencil necked politicians.,_Oregon
What? How dare the citizens of a City override the laws of higher government, like the State! As if they think they can just pick and choose the laws they’ll abide by. Imagine if an entire State decided to do that to the Federal gov’t! Why, why, there’d be uhh, something, to pay! Right!
Dave’s not here man!
That crowd you see there are all the old fat liberal skanks that couldn’t get in to the council chambers because it was full of VETERANS who got there early to make a statement!
DARK BLUE COUNTY! One of just a few in Oregon (but’s another issue of ire). I’m surprised. I used to live in Florence, and it’s full of retired Kalifornians!
The libs won’t let this stand. Remember: they never quit even when they get what they want. They always want more.
So soon he forgets. Gov JB has already been to the Feds to borrow money four times since January 20. If his left wing looneyticks make this a “Sanctuary State”, where will he go to beg for money?
Lane county is “dark blue” primarily because of Eugene (Leningrad on the McKenzie).
For years Florence has been talking about splitting off and becoming Western Lane County to get away from the commie bastard in Eugene.