Oregon Gov. Says She Will Refuse Trump’s Call To Deploy State Guardsmen To Border – IOTW Report

Oregon Gov. Says She Will Refuse Trump’s Call To Deploy State Guardsmen To Border

Daily Caller:

Democratic Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Wednesday that she will refuse President Donald Trump’s call to send National Guard forces to protect the southern border.

Brown announced on Twitter that she will not listen to Trump or the federal government if asked to send Oregon guard troops to the Mexico border, saying she is “deeply troubled by Trump’s plan to militarize our border.”

The Democratic governor added that she has not been contacted by Trump or any federal officials to send forces to the border, but that if she were, she would refuse. She says Trump’s actions would distract her troops from the president’s “troubles in Washington.”

Brown’s statement comes after Trump announced Tuesday that the US military will be used to guard the US-Mexico border

“We are going to be guarding our border with our military. That’s a big step,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “We cannot have people flowing into our country illegally, disappearing, and by the way never showing up for court.

27 Comments on Oregon Gov. Says She Will Refuse Trump’s Call To Deploy State Guardsmen To Border

  1. Her wishes don’t matter if the federal government activates the State Guard. At that point the feds are on the hook for pay, housing, food and transport. The State just gets to wave goodbye.

  2. Mobilize the Oregon national guard for Afghanistan, take the boys in Afghanistan and put them on the border. Sent her magisty a note saying all Fed funds to Oregon have been delayed

  3. The Oregon National Guard was sent to Iraq and got poisoned from open burn pit trash. Went to court, sued, and lost. NG are sent everywhere they don’t belong to kill and die, but aren’t armed and active at our own US border to protect America from enemy invaders. Oregon is Communist run country, which means the agenda is to replace Constitutional government with criminal, amoral powers in official positions. Such as Gov. Brown. It is understandable that the Southern States seceded, because they refused to continue to be controlled by the criminal powers exerted by the Northern politicians in the US Congress.

  4. @Anonymous April 5, 2018 at 8:46 pm

    > Until the arrests of Public Servants who violate their oath of office begin, I cast a jaundiced eye on our future

    Until the extra “special” executions of public employees has begun, I won’t open my eyes from this nap

  5. I wonder what would happen if the President order the Oregon Guard to the border, Brown told them to stand down and they disobeyed Brown and followed the President. What would Brown do?

  6. Aren’t the States’ National Guards deployed to overseas stations during different times, even war zones on foreign soil. I thought those orders came from the federal government.

    Way past time for President Trump to bitch slap the states back into sanity. How long would the tyrant obama allowed this to go on?


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