Oregon Governor Will Put You in Jail For Violating Her Coronavirus ‘Freeze’ – IOTW Report

Oregon Governor Will Put You in Jail For Violating Her Coronavirus ‘Freeze’


Is getting together with a few of your buds to throw back several drinks and share some laughs worth going to jail for a month? In Oregon, it better be.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown has issued a two-week coronavirus “freeze.” She didn’t want to use the term “lockdown” because people are opposed to that, so, like any decent politician, she repackaged the “lockdown” and called it something else. “Freeze” is as good as any other substitute, I suppose.

“Freeze” or “lockdown” — the result will be the same if you violate it. read more

27 Comments on Oregon Governor Will Put You in Jail For Violating Her Coronavirus ‘Freeze’

  1. “Those who fail to comply with the restrictions could reportedly be fined $1,250 or placed behind bars for up to a month.”

    And that can be done without statutory legislation involved, by a simple decree from a high political position.

  2. So how’s ms. rug muncher gonna celebrate Thanksgiving if she even does. Have a gay orgy with her lezzie friends and worship ma gaia and her friendly (in my book not so friendly) coven of witch friends. Her, Inslee and gruesome Newsome can all go to Hell.

  3. Of daily new cases, Oregon should therefore rank somewhere around number 1 to 10 out of 50 states for such harsh governing.


    It’s #40.

    Pritzker hasn’t even locked down Illinois entirely yet and we’ve been rocking the number 1 spot for the past couple weeks. It’s just a matter of time though, within a month, once Trump is officially re-elected.

  4. I doubt if outside the Portland/Salem/Eugene area, ANY state troopers or local LE will be enforcing this. Hell, the dems have already defunded the OSP to the point where you can now drive I-5 from California to Washington and never even see a cop.
    (Disclaimer: your results may vary, not responsible for any tickets received. OSP drives various colors and types of vehicles.)

  5. I just asked what my sister wanted to do about Thanksgiving, and suggested civil disobedience. Her response was, “Fuck Kate Brown and her Brown shirts!”.
    So, I’m going! 🙂

  6. I’m down with Kate Brown and her kung flu freeze. Although it will get boring polishing my jackboots and practicing my goosestep for the next three weeks. But hey, it’s for the children.

  7. SNS

    That’s the California Oligarchy for you. Do what I say, not what I decide I can do. My county has had a total of 4 deaths attributed to the RONA. People are pissed and fed up. I just read California has been added to the list to inspect for voter fraud. They didn’t say by whom but I’m guessing the Trump legal team. I can tell you for certain they will have no problem finding it here. There’s no Fing way Trump only got 28% of the vote. 58% is probably a closer number.

  8. @ This Texan Has Had Enough November 16, 2020 at 5:05 pm

    Why is there not a traffic jam of people fleeing Oregon?

    WE had 2 people here (East of Oregon) yesterday overnight who were leaving Oregon for good. Said the people were messed*** up in Oregon.

    *** “messed” is not the actual word they used

  9. I personally know several people who are leaving the state specifically because they are tired of the liberal dictator in charge.
    Gov Carpet Muncher has been seen outside at a state park not wearing a mask as well as out with her entourage riding horses during the first lockdown when everyone was mandated to stay at home. My bet is she won’t be living under the same tyrannical rules of the second lockdown either. One system for you and another system for them, an all-to-common theme among the “elite”.

  10. Supernightshade NOVEMBER 16, 2020 AT 5:47 PM

    …will this apply to rioters in Portland?

    Go Exodus style and put up a sign outside saying BLM / Antifa Strategy Meeting for Burning & Looting Cities. Have the appropriate flags raised and maybe a burning dumpster or two on the property.

    They’ll pass right over you.


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