Oregon Has More Food Stamp Recipients Than Public School Students – IOTW Report

Oregon Has More Food Stamp Recipients Than Public School Students


The state of Oregon has more food stamp recipients than students enrolled in the state’s public schools, according to a Breitbart News analysis of state and federal data.

Oregon currently has 725,307 people enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the program in charge of doling out food stamps, according to the latest U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics on food stamp enrollment.

According to the Oregon Department of Education, enrollment in the state’s K-12 public schools for the 2016-2017 school year totaled 578,947.

In other words, 146,360 more people are receiving government assistance than getting an education in K-12 public schools in the state. read more

12 Comments on Oregon Has More Food Stamp Recipients Than Public School Students

  1. Hey, the state’s entirely controlled by transplanted air head liberal democrats. They’re trying to clean up other states by attracting the homeless and immigrants who’ll vote straight party line democrat. Not at all unusual to stand in the grocery line and see people, stoned out of their minds, using 5 different EBT cards. Have also seen Russians, dressed to the hilt, whip out their EBT cards then drive off in a customized Escalade.

  2. My BF from high school lives there. Very intelligent woman with a PhD but no smarts. The last time I viisited, she could not WAIT to vote for Obama, was totally psyched for single payer healthcare in the US, and advocated incessantly for gay marriage. Haven’t been back and haven’t invited her to visit me.

    On the bright side, she is a healthcare professional, and Obamacare has wrecked her income. I doubt she’s ever connected the dots, tho.

  3. Yeah, well, when public school enrollment in my old town in Oregon topped out at 65 percent Hispanic I suddenly realized why we had so many new “private” schools cropping up. There are still students, just not in public schools.

  4. ask any Oregon legislator and they will swear up and down there is no where in the Oregon state budget to make cuts in spending without crashing the state economy and killing millions.

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