Oregon may drop the state bar exam requirement for future lawyers – IOTW Report

Oregon may drop the state bar exam requirement for future lawyers

Oregon Catalyst: A task force of the Oregon Board of Bar Examiners has made the recommendation after the American Bar Association (ABA) released new data showing race and gender disparities in bar exam score outcomes.The bar exam is known as one of the toughest and most difficult exams in America.

The proposal to remove the bar exam could could have unexpected and unintended outcomes for an industry famous for not having any allowance for error.   Current lawyers worry that it could dilute the standards of the profession and the success of those who have passed the exam that has been a requirement for over 100 years in Oregon.

The task force recommended that potential attorneys be allowed to either take the bar exam or be admitted to the profession on the merits of coursework and practical experience. more

30 Comments on Oregon may drop the state bar exam requirement for future lawyers

  1. When the government totally takes over the US health care system, you will be assigned the doctor of their choice and you will have nothing to say about it.

  2. The majority of younger doctors know absolutely nothing and are there to push big pharma synthetic medications, vaccines and make sure you take all their preventative exams all dictated by the AMA. If you don’t do these things you are no longer able to practice under insurance and they cut your hospital affiliation. It pretty much is like Idiocracy- they rely on diagnostics not knowledge.

  3. The thumbing down of professional positions is very, very scary. It will be medical exams next, engineering exams, architectural exams. Buildings will be falling down around us – look at the building in Florida!

    Say your prayers everyday!!!

    God Bless us all!

  4. I work with lawyers on a daily basis.
    There are some who have passed the bar exam who are complete idiots.
    What’s that say about those who can’t pass it?

  5. Anonymous JULY 16, 2021 AT 1:35 PM
    “The majority of younger doctors know absolutely nothing and are there to push big pharma synthetic medications, vaccines and make sure you take all their preventative exams all dictated by the AMA.”

    …I know, right?

    Obamacare made all my older, better doctors retire and replaced them with young guys, mostly from foreign nations, that don’t want to have ANY patient contact and don’t seem to understand the Old School doctor mantra of “Inspection, Ausculation, Palpation, and Percussion”, and would rather wear a mask with a grinding shield over it and scream questions from across the room or, better still, stay home and send them pictures, some of which can be pretty hilarious to get. (Imagine you have a proctological question and the wife walks in and finds you squatting over a cell phone camera with your own finger up your butt. Yeah, not a pretty thought).

    I mean, I’m an ugly guy, but back in the day they used to work with cadavers, so I shouldn’t be THAT disgusting to them!

    Actually, the NPs seem to be better than the docs now, kind of like the difference between college atheletes hungry for attention vs. pro athletes who get paid no matter what. One gal did ALL the old school stuff, and I have UNDERWEAR older than her, so it was kind of awkward but she was surprisingly professional for her age cohort and I’m a dried up old shit, so that and the pain I was in made it pretty easy to overcome the embarresment.

    But that’s not hard and fast.

    I never WILL forget the night my Bearded Dragon (RIP Draco) bit my wife when she was cleaning his terrerium. It was kind of a deep bite, and those bastarts have some WICKED jaws with jagged cartalage linings, and that combined with the fact that those things eat insects dead and alive all day and have nasty salmonella and other things made it sensible to seek medical care. It was after everything closed (of course), so that meant a trip to the hosptial after I duded her up with AB ointment, Steri Pad, and Kling wrap.

    We got to the hospital (pre-covid) and they weren’t espeically interested, but did deign to put us on a ‘fast track’ section for stitches. It being a hospital, an hour went by, then two, then a PA showed up. He got his little suture kit out, picked up a Lidocane needle, put it to her wound, then suddenly stopped and ran out of the room without saying what was up.


    The ward was mostly empty and the last few folks left about a half hour later, and it was unpatrolled by a nurse or anything because it was Fast Track. Someone came along eventually and told us the guy had poked himself with the needle, and he was freaking out and would my wife consent to an AIDS test?

    Yes, you read that correctly.

    He fucks up, doesn’t tell us, leaves her untreated, then goes cower in a closet after sending someone ELSE to try to address the subject of his cowardice.

    God is THAT guy in the wrong business.

    …anyway, she did (she’s a LOT nicer than ME), and it came back negative (would have been an interesting night at home if it HADN’T).

    …THEN, they closed the ward after ANOTHER half hour went by, and told us we’d have to go to a DIFFERENT part of the ER.

    Where they sent a DIFFERENT PA to FINALLY do her stitches and give her an antibiotic.

    Bear in mind that we’d been there for several hours at this point, and never ONCE saw an ACTUAL doctor, not for her, not at ANOTHER bed, not even walking by. Just PA’s and various nurse levels, and not too darn many of THEM.

    It was shitty stitches, BTW. Good thing it stopped bleeding pretty much during her extended Betadine soak.

    …and even WITHOUT woke shit like this, that’s pretty much where modern medicine is. If I had ANY doubts about medical cowardice being now VERY commmon, they were COMPLETELY erased with the advent of the COVID lie and all the medical running away screaming and dressing like they were going to work on a biologically toxic nuclear reactor that ensued.

    …all I can tell you is, don’t get sick.

    because I don’t see the Body Politic getting better any time soon, and Communist like their folks to suffer and die anyway as they do everything they can to keep them in a constant state of fear, so here we are…

  6. My guess is that Oregon will waive the bar exam only for law students who graduated from Oregon schools. If this is correct, then Oregon would follow Wisconsin, which automatically admits Wisconsin law school graduates to the bar and has done so for years.

    This would not be the worst thing to happen to Oregon. Look at the people they elect to office, and that’s a self-inflicted wound.

  7. cato
    JULY 16, 2021 AT 2:46 PM
    “Knowledge of the law…”

    …law is now fluid and means what Democrats say it does at any given time. Groups are exempted from the law or have it severely applied depending on the current needs of the Party.

    …you can see why they don’t want any of this written down, which is why you can’t teach it or test for it, it’s not as flexible if you do ..

  8. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    JULY 16, 2021 AT 2:26 PM

    “Look at the people they elect to office, and that’s a self-inflicted wound.”

    …is it?

    …or do they use Dominion…

  9. “…or do they use Dominion…”

    In the case of the Maricopa County Stupervisors, relatives tell me they ran as conservatives and flipped a bitch immediately after being sworn in.

  10. Why not?
    Georgetown Law School passed a guy with a GPA of ~ 2.0 about 40 years ago because he sued. Affirmative Action is alive and well.
    Look at the drooling illiterates on the SCROTUS and the Courts of Appeals!
    Keep em in Oregon.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. That is PURE BULLSHIT!!! After all the years I’ve spent in the bars in my little Oregon town, and now the tell me all the cramming was in vain?

    Sure it was a small town with only an handful of bars, but by God I supported them and have the liver to prove it!

  12. It is exactly this kind of crap that caused me to officially retire from my state bar association.

    This was not what I signed up for and worked so hard for my clients to get them the best results possible.

    What a load of B.S. It makes me want to puke.

    If I were starting over there is no way I would become a lawyer. I’d look to become a plumber and own my own business. Much more responsible and, might I say, necessart.

    Just sayin’.


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