Oregon Poll: They’re not big fans of BLM – IOTW Report

Oregon Poll: They’re not big fans of BLM

According to the Values and Beliefs Center poll of 1,400 Oregonians only 19% see Black Lives Matter as fully positive. more

12 Comments on Oregon Poll: They’re not big fans of BLM

  1. Brad, and another part of the problem is that so many people are afraid to really have an opinion and then state that opinion. All this PC and cancel culture bullshit, along with the mass consumption of soy products is turning young men into soyboys.

  2. There are still a lot of good people in Oregon, and like many of us here in California, they are reaching a breaking point, a cold stark reality that they are not like the majority. What was once tenuous is now terminal. There is no accommodation, no middle ground. They want us either dead, silent, or at least removed so we can’t cause any more trouble.

  3. It really depends on WHO they asked. If they asked people in any of the biggest towns (like Salem, Portland, or Eugene) or anyone on any of the big college campuses (like OSU, WOU, U of O, etc.), then yeah — you’d most likely get a positive response. If you asked in some of the more rural areas that AREN’T leftist hellholes, the response would probably be more negative.

  4. My drive home tonight took me through Ballard, a major neighborhood (with its own established business core) of Seattle. It’s about 4 miles north of DT Seattle and a main thoroughfare cuts through the east side of the area, continuing north.

    At the corner of 65th and 15th, on all four sides of the street were about 20-40 mostly middle-aged and older white women (soccer moms) waving BLM signs and waving at the passing traffic. I did not see a single person “of color” present.

    Who organized this silly event? Why? Are they fearful that people are starting to tire of BLM or worse, forget it? Or worser, get wise and start hating it?

    And what’s with these gray-haired activists, anyway? White, solidly middle class, undoubtedly degreed as English and Art History majors, Whole Foods shopping, bored out of their skulls, women who should be home doing something really useful with their lives?

    Gah! I scowled at them and gave then the thumbs down sign. Those who saw me were horrified, but I noticed there weren’t many cars honking their support, either. Idiots. They’d be the first cohort a socialist country would starve to death and withold necessary medication.

  5. Couldn’t take Portland any longer. Loaded up the car and got the hell out. Portland’s problem is progressive politicians pandering to parasites. Sucked them in from all over the country. Many of them won elections.

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