Oregon: Portland Police Quitting En Masse, But City Leaders Can’t Face Reality – IOTW Report

Oregon: Portland Police Quitting En Masse, But City Leaders Can’t Face Reality

22 Comments on Oregon: Portland Police Quitting En Masse, But City Leaders Can’t Face Reality

  1. Portland is not alone in this. Seattle, SanFran, Oakland, LA, probably every sanctuary city has a police force that realizes the city government is every bit as dangerous as the bad guys are!

  2. Start with the 22,000 dollars a year as, you know, a starting point.

    I’ll shovel shit for 25,000 dollars a year before I’ll ever consent to be shot at.

  3. The boot of reality is smashing Portland in the face and they don’t even realize what it is. Any people that are escaping this sh*thole but voted for those that run it, STAY AWAY FROM THE MIDWEST!!!!!!


  4. It is hard to have pity on cities like Portland and Seattle, sympathy is completely out of the question. I have experienced the arrogance, condescension, and general fuckeduppedness of both of these secular humanist shitholes as they desecended to the levels they are at today and…. Fuck the bastards, they deserve no pity.

  5. The Omega Man (1971)
    Portland (2020)
    Everyone has killed everyone else except for a few hundred deformed, nocturnal people calling themselves “The Family” (Democrats). The plague has caused them to become sensitive to light, as well as homicidal psychotics (Democrats).
    Wow, when movies become reality,,,

  6. There has to be a way of not allowing duplicate commenters.
    Fill in a name,,
    It’s TRUE,
    Was really pissed off after finding out I forgot to add my name and got listed as ‘Anonymous’.
    And that bastard got all my thumbs up!
    It really was a great post,,,


    They will ALWAYS find a way to fill the empty positions, just like they do in Afghanistan even though the police station is bombed every 2 weeks.

    Sure, they’ll get even worse, desperate candidates, or SJWs, and will cost the city 6-figure law suits all the time, but there will always be some functioning law enforcement. Nothing will change.


    Gee, let’s see whose fault is that?

    The mayor needs to balance city budgets

    He/She demands the police chief fill quotas

    The predatory police fan out and arrest everyone for everything.

    Every person has a mark on their record.

    H.R. departments ask questions about any infraction, even if (legally) it has nothing to do with the job.

    H.R. departments screen out candidates who have any smudge on their record.

    Leaders then complain they can’t find qualified people to fill the jobs.

    HELLO! Foreign work Visas! There are plenty of people who can pass a background check, they come from 3rd world nations who scrub their records and make them eligible to work in America.

    Thanks cops, mayors, courts, judges, prosecutors, politicians. You round up people left and right, and now our own people can’t / won’t hire our own people.

  9. The guy in this video is wrong. Portland won’t get more racist white cops abusing minorities (although it would serve them right if that happened). What will happen is what’s happening in the U.K. The progressives and foreign elements will respond with no regard to local values, much less constitutionality, to replace the current officers with politically appropriate diversity within its ranks.

    Unarmed Transgenders, Sikhs, muslims and feminists will replace white, Christian males on the force. And when daily multiple sexual assaults and knife attacks become the norm, they’ll commission the appropriate studies on toxic masculinity, Christian oppression and white privilege to rectify the matter. All is well. Nothing to see here. Move along citizen.

  10. First and Second Laws:

    “SJW’s always lie.” (even to themselves)
    “SJW’s always double down.” (watch the video)

    The police department has been fully converged and can no longer accomplish their mission. Time to “get outta Dodge.”

  11. A couple of decades ago DC needed cops so they did away with background checks and hired a bunch of felons who just wanted to carry guns and extort the LIPs.
    Worked out well (for a while).

    There were cops selling dope at the McDonald’s – no kidding.

    Everybody got rich except the hapless morons who voted for the Demonrats: DC gov’t, lawyers, real-estate developers, real-estate agents, construction guys, PG, Monkey, and Charles Co.s MD, and NoVa.


    izlamo delenda est …


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