Oregon Republicans walk out on climate bill vote, Dem. Governor calls the cops – IOTW Report

Oregon Republicans walk out on climate bill vote, Dem. Governor calls the cops

Daily Caller:

Oregon’s Democratic governor sent state police to round up Republican state legislators on Thursday as they tried to avoid a quorum for a vote on a wide-ranging climate bill — but some had already fled the state.

“I think [Senate Republicans have] all left if they’re not already on their way out,” Jonathan Lockwood, spokesman for Oregon Republicans, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in a phone interview Thursday. “The reason they’ve left the state is because it’s obviously harder for the state police to drag them back to the Capitol.”

For example, Republican Oregon state Sen. Brian Boquist reportedly fled to Idaho, according to The Associated Press. “This is what I told the [Oregon State Police] superintendent,” Boquist said according to The Oregonian. “Send bachelors and come heavily armed. I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It’s just that simple.” read more

37 Comments on Oregon Republicans walk out on climate bill vote, Dem. Governor calls the cops

  1. Wow! I was thinking the “Caller” was teasing some satire there… Kate Brown is a scrunt. But “Send bachelors and come heavily armed.” is mighty serious talk especially from a state senator..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Sending the state police? Really?
    Have the Rep senators broken a law? What law?

    I admire Sen. Boquist’s attitude. I sure do hope he has the means and resolve to follow through if the despicable governor doesn’t back down and the state enforcers’ boss doesn’t tell her to get screwed.

  3. I seem to recall pretty much the same thing in the opposite direction, in or near Indiana, a few years ago. Different legislation though.
    It won’t save anything, but at least will call some attention to the issue and who is on what side.

  4. Right, LCD, we were calling them “fleebaggers” from I think it was Wisconsin, back when Vanderbilt Anderson Cooper was calling us “tea-baggers”. I remember a lot of joking about their antics, but nobody got all fascist about it.

  5. Another example of leftist politicians quick to use any force necessary on anyone who doesn’t comply with their directives.
    It should be a real bloodbath if they pass gun confiscation laws.

  6. Gee, where is the ire directed at those Republicans that fled, abrogating their duties as an elected representative? Is this the type of behavior you all condone, running away from votes you might lose?

    Their own spokesman said many fled the state to be “out of reach” of the state police, which implies that sending the cops after recalcitrant legislators is common practice and they were expecting it.

    Personally, I find this conduct cowardly. The voters of Oregon placed the GOP in the minority, they might not like it but too bad, they still need to do their job and running away from votes is not doing their job.

    Nobody would like it Kevin McCarthy pulled this shit in the House, organizing a massive bug out of town right before voting on a bill. Their job is to conduct the business of their constituents while in session, not running away and hiding.

    I can just imagine if anyone here owned a small business and their employees decided not to show up for work one day because they did not agree with the job tasked for them.

  7. @rich taylor

    It was about 8 or 10 years ago that Indiana democrats fled the state to avoid a vote.
    Democrats cheered.

    So take your crap and stick it up yo butt.

  8. Old Kate (no relation to moonbeam)Brown is probably the most hated liberal dyke on the left coast right about now. The commies have totally rotted this beautiful state.

  9. @cletus

    “It was about 8 or 10 years ago that Indiana democrats fled the state to avoid a vote.
    Democrats cheered.”

    Oh, I see, democrats acted like pigs once so its OK for us to do the same. Didn’t your mom ever tell you that you never condone bad behavior by committing the same bad behavior? If that’s too high brow, how about this, 2 wrongs don’t make a right.

    “So take your crap and stick it up yo butt.”

    Articulate and insightful, well done, you got anything intelligent to provide? And how about answering my question, is this the type of behavior you support, running away from votes you won’t win?

  10. “Brown quickly granted that request. “It is absolutely unacceptable that the Senate Republicans would turn their back on their constituents who they are honor-bound to represent here in this building,”

    The governor’s and the democrat’s carbon cap and spend bill – if made into law – seems to be much more damaging to the constituents of the lawmakers than the run and hide action of the senate republicans. Another example of liberals in the big city supporting laws that screws over the residents in the rural less populated counties. The same thing happens in other states.

    Oregon might as well just merge with Calif. and become northern Calif. If the Oregon democrats are determined to destroy their state they might as well join a group with more experience doing it.

  11. Rich Taylor – “is this the type of behavior you support, running away from votes you won’t win?”
    Actually YES!
    This is not the first time anyone has done it, both parties have engaged in “blocking the vote” maneuvers throughout time.
    Without the Republicans there is no Quorum and therefore no vote can be held.
    It is a legitimate political move and not cowardice, not running from a fight, nor is it abrogating anything. They are representing their constituents by not allowing a draconian bill to be brought to the floor for a vote that will pass by Democrats alone if a Quorum is present.
    It is legitimate and legal for the Governor to use the police to enforce the presence of the congresspeople, so not a pissy move on her part.
    My company has a sign posted in the work area to remind us to stay focused on safety, it says “Sometimes the Most Important Action You Can Take is to Stop Working”.
    Everyone take a step back and think about the consequences of these actions before we break equipment or hurt someone.
    If this Cap-And-Trade scheme passes many businesses will close because they can’t afford to pay the Carbon Tax, it is that simple.
    Pass this bill and jobs will be lost.
    The Republicans are trying to help the people of Oregon by Stopping The Job!

  12. @Blink

    “The governor’s and the democrat’s carbon cap and spend bill – if made into law – seems to be much more damaging to the constituents of the lawmakers than the run and hide action of the senate republicans.”

    But that is how representative government works and you align yourself with the anarchists and the lawless when you condone act that abrogate/defeat the process.

    The people get to choose, through their representatives that they legally elect, how they want their state to run. If the majority of Oregonians want this dopey carbon tax, they should get it.

    I live in California and if I had the luxury of having a GOP represent my district in Sacramento, I would want him to vote NO on new taxes, sanctuary cities, abortion, cap and trade, open borders, ignoring Federal ICE laws, and providing welfare to illegal aliens, but he needs to be present and part of the process in the NO vote, not fleeing like a criminal and hiding in some back alley.

  13. @Rich Taylor – I could not disagree more vehemently with your observations and conclusions about this matter.

    The legislature set up its operating rules, and it is alway legitimate to use the rule book to accomplish legitimate ends.

    Those senators who left did so because they concluded that passing the bill would be irresponsible because it would be disastrous for their constituents. They did NOT run away from their responsibilities, quite the opposite.

  14. Funny how Democrats constantly do things and certain people do not complain. But when Republicans do the same things then all of a sudden they are despicable deeds and are vehemently condemned.

    Republicans are supposed to be godly in their actions and make sure their shit does not stink; but when Democrats break the law, pass unconstitutional laws, use their power to threaten people, and generally piss in the face of America in order to get what they want it is considered acceptable behavior. On principal I might not think walking out is a good way of doing things, but I sure as hell am not going to listen to Democrats lecture about morality.

  15. ” If the majority of Oregonians want this dopey carbon tax, they should get it.” -Rich Taylor

    But this is representative government, in case you forgot. If the citizens don’t like their representative’s votes or actions, they’re free to elect someone else. In the meantime, each representative represents their constituents by their own standards. Elected officials are not mind readers of the electorate.

  16. This notion exhibited here that these runaway legislators are brave because they are somehow saving Oregonians from themselves is not only hilarious but antithetical to the representative process. Oregon is a blue state, the voters put the democrats in the majority, they want cap and trade, it’s not the job of a handful of Republicans to save anybody from anything, it’s their job to vote on legislation. This scurrying away like rats is a stunt, and it’s not honorable, how do I know? Because it’s done so rarely (hence this post), they do it in the dead of night. Notice that they don’t tell anyone where they are and some even leave the state, just out of reach of the state police, if they were within the rules or were proud of their actions, why all the secrecy?

    I can just imagine a state like Alabama where the legislators have the support and votes to ban abortion and right before the vote the Dem. legislators all bugged out of town and hid to obstruct the vote. I guess it would be OK because, after all, they were do it to save Alabaman’s from themselves.

  17. Rich Taylor – I did not put the Democrats in the majority, nor do I want the Confiscation And Tyranny (otherwise known as Cap And Trade) Bill passed.
    Your comment about “antithetical to the representative process” is a joke.
    The Republicans are representing me and other like minded Conservatives by refusing to allow the Democrats to run roughshod.
    You are not making an argument for Constitutionalism nor Representative Government, you are making an argument for surrender and let the damn ship sink with all women and children on board.
    Your Alabama analogy is pretty lame (and easily refuted) in that they not only have a majority but also have a MAJORITY QUORUM, meaning they don’t need any Democrats present to pass legislation.
    This is one Oregonian that does not appreciate your capitulation, go wave your white flag to communism in some other state, we haven’t given up the fight yet and will use any “stunt” at our disposal; just like that Communist Council Member in Colorado, we will use any means necessary.

  18. Rich Taylor – Two more parting shots before I leave for the day —
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
    “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”
    Samuel Adams

    Go and lay down to die somewhere else, we are busy planning {and running away with our tails between our legs like cowardly rats, according to you} our next chess move. And we have better things to do than to consider an early surrender.

  19. @#*Menotu

    “Rich Taylor – I did not put the Democrats in the majority, nor do I want the Confiscation And Tyranny (otherwise known as Cap And Trade) Bill passed.”

    But other Oregon voters did, they voted for the Democrats to have the majority, they do want cap and trade, or did somebody die and elect you king? The voters have spoken, you don’t like it, but you must abide by it. Otherwise you advocate anarchy, not very conservative of you.

    “The Republicans are representing me and other like minded Conservatives by refusing to allow the Democrats to run roughshod.”

    Noble words, and antithetical to the representative process. If you don’t like the legislation they are passing, vote them out and get a majority yourself. Work within the system, but running away and hiding is no way to govern.

    “This is one Oregonian that does not appreciate your capitulation”

    No capitulation, just an acceptance that in all elections there are winners and losers, the winners get to pass their legislation and the losers get to whine about it, run away, or bury their head in the sand. You are in the minority. The people of Oregon want cap and trade, they think you are the one out of touch and need saving from yourself.

  20. A WSJ article this morning puts the Oregon GOP legislators in an even more nefarious light. According to the article the GOP’ers pulled this stunt last month and walked out. The Dem majority made concessions, they promised to drop bills involving gun control and vaccine legislation in return for the promise that they (the GOP) would return to the capitol and finish the session.

  21. @rich taylor

    So the republican legislators changed their minds? That’s what people do when the facts changed. What do you do?

    Rich Taylor is nothing but a leftard hack infiltrating opposing camps. Just like mayor butt-boy from South Bend pretends to be a Christian and promptly rewrites the bible to make it say his homo deviancy is a Godly quality.

    Go back to media matters or some other leftard blog where you belong, Taylor.

  22. The police in Oregon stand idly by and watch when antifa create havoc in their midst and now they go on an all out manhunt on republicans who don’t want to vote.

    That’s what happens in a state when the sexual deviants take over.

    And pathetic surrender monkeys like rich taylor want the good republicans of Oregon to just bend over and take it like a good little Paul Ryan.


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