Oregon School Unions Near 50 Percent Membership, and It’s Their Own Fault – IOTW Report

Oregon School Unions Near 50 Percent Membership, and It’s Their Own Fault

Freedom Foundation: Over the past six months, Freedom Foundation’s outreach team has been hammering Oregon’s three largest unions representing public school employees.

In turn, those school employees have been hammering the unions where it hurts, with more than 1,100 members of the Oregon Education Association (OEA), Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA) and American Federation of Teachers Oregon (AFT OR) leaving their union membership and dues payments behind since May.

For several years now, the impetus for the unions’ declining membership ranks has been the Freedom Foundation’s grassroots campaign — which includes canvassing, emails, phone calls and mail — to inform teachers and other public-school employees of their constitutional right to leave the union and stop paying dues.

But while the Freedom Foundation’s outreach provides the support many members need to make the decision to leave, radical union leaders ultimately have nobody to blame but themselves for the root cause of members’ dissatisfaction. more here

9 Comments on Oregon School Unions Near 50 Percent Membership, and It’s Their Own Fault

  1. That would never happen in Canuckistan.

    Almost all of my Close Friends became Teachers in Toronto in the Early 90’s. They are actually Conservatives leaning (in their minds) BUT they are part of their union & it really brain washed them through fear. They gave up a lot of themselves as humans and literally tow-the-line teaching New math, White Oppression, never failing Idiots who cannot read etc.

    What was shocking to me was how very early in their Careers they would talk about Retiring, Benefits & Vacations, EVERY TIME we would get together around Christmas. 35 years of the exact same conversations & I no longer go to see them as a group because of this.

  2. “What was shocking to me was how very early in their Careers they would talk about Retiring, Benefits & Vacations …”

    Why? They understood that they sold their souls for Retirement, Benefits, and Vacations. It’s a rational choice.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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