Oregon: Sen. Wyden slams Gov. Brown over releasing murderer – IOTW Report

Oregon: Sen. Wyden slams Gov. Brown over releasing murderer

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon

Oregon Senator Ron Wyden harshly criticized Gov. Kate Brown over her commuting the sentence of Kyle Headquist who murdered Nikki Thrasher in 1995.

Wyden said, “This clemency decision is wrong on every level, starting with its callousness toward the crime victim’s family and extending to all Oregonians counting on public officials to make decisions with public safety in mind. Plain and simple, I oppose this grossly irresponsible use of the clemency powers.“

Gov. Brown’s office responded by saying Sen. Wyden didn’t know the facts. read more

8 Comments on Oregon: Sen. Wyden slams Gov. Brown over releasing murderer

  1. Widen doesn’t get it. Progressives live out their fantasies vicariously through those their votes put in better position to commit acts that increase innocent human suffering, misery and death.

    That is the motivation behind what they support.

  2. Trouble in River City? What the hell’s going on? Democrats NEVER question other democrats. There’s more to this story. Is Brown-Shorts endorsing a challenger to New York’s third Senator?

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