Oregonians Demand Reversal of Drug Decriminalization Law After Drastic Overdose Increase – IOTW Report

Oregonians Demand Reversal of Drug Decriminalization Law After Drastic Overdose Increase

Breitbart: A coalition of Oregon political and business leaders are demanding that legislators re-criminalize possession of hard drugs and public drug use after the decriminalization measure passed just three years ago failed miserably.

If state lawmakers don’t heed their joint warning, the Coalition to Fix and Improve Ballot Measure 110 pledges to bring forward a ballot measure to the voters, reports Fox News.

WATCH — Portland Safety Official: I Had to Tell People to Not Call 911 Due to Overdoses Flooding Us, We’ve Been “Too Tolerant”: More

18 Comments on Oregonians Demand Reversal of Drug Decriminalization Law After Drastic Overdose Increase

  1. But but but but but…

    My body my choice!
    Dude! Your need to control people is triggering me!
    Alcohol does WAY more damage to people!
    It’s not our fault society has failed!
    Free drugs promotes diversity.
    Our community has come together, man!
    Get off our backs!
    Dude, you got any money?? I needs me some food, man.

  2. I actually thought legalizing drugs would eliminate the gene pool somewhat, and to some extent it’s helped but not enough. A town near me held a candlelight vigil for the 27 homeless people who died on the streets this year. I don’t get it, their fate is sealed, what’s there to remember about them? I think how they threw their life away and according to scripture, they are worse than infidels.

  3. The overdose deaths are not the issue. The real issue is that downtown Portland, a democrat fortress, is an outhouse basement. So, even though it means fewer democrat voters, the bums gotta go. Realistically, there is no hope. The proposal to repeal is too little, too late. A few prominent Portland democrats are just now admitting it. If elections were held this week every democrat would be reelected. There is no hope.

  4. You either own your own body, or you are the property of the state. That being said, you don’t subsidize poor behavior, make public use legal, etc. Leave it to government to screw up any attempt at restoring freedom.

  5. @BlizzK: 1 Timothy 5:8 King James Version (KJV) But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

    Want more BlizzK, I’ve got more. 🙂

  6. Build a apartment complex in the middle of nowhere. Move the druggies there. Feed them the drug of their choice 3 times a day. When they die cremate them and use their ashes to mix with concrete and make them a nice headstone to mark their existence on this earth…Or put things back the way it use to be because it worked.

  7. @Goldenfoxx Thank you. I now know they are worse than infidels. No more compassion for the homeless for me. I’ll just sit back and hope they die so we can eliminate the gene pool. Thanks again.

  8. Leftist ideology bites everyone in the a**. That includes their know -nothing, worthless supporters/ advocates. They don’t care if lives are lost in the process of manifesting their deadly policies until it affects them.

  9. BlizzK Saturday, 30 December 2023, 15:40 at 3:40 pm

    @Goldenfoxx Thank you. I now know they are worse than infidels. No more compassion for the homeless for me. I’ll just sit back and hope they die so we can eliminate the gene pool. Thanks again.

    It’s not my hope that they die. However, it’s not incumbent upon me to care for people who can care for themselves. It’s difficult to see able bodied young people laying on their backside down by the river, and begging. The Bible is full of neat little gems that just frost some people’s balls when you repeat them. No need for me to preach, The Word is available to all.

  10. 34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

    35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

    36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

    37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

    38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
    -Matthew 10:34-38

  11. …this may not be the best thread to bring this fourth, but I always like to point out that Naloxone saves lives and gives second chances, and not every overdose is a junkie or even someone who knows they have Fentanyl, but may be a grandmother or a child. For those in Ohio, please be aware that the State now provides free naloxone by mail to ANY Ohio resident; but please watch the video and read the pamphlet to understand what it does and doesn’t do, what can happen after, and above all that it is NOT definitive care and they MUST seek further medical attention once they start breathing again.

    For free, Ohio-wide nasal Narcan in the mail, look at this site;


    Only God can save souls, but you can save lives that they may seek Him. Let Him decide the value of a life.

  12. Oregon, like Washington, used to be a nice little backwater state with some loony IWW freaks in the background. Then California freaked out and a whole bunch of liberals bailed up the coast, leaving a path of destruction in their wake.

    We’re permanently screwed by those scumbags that we allowed in back in the 80’s and on. They’re not coming as fast now that they’ve jacked our little states.

    Use dope on your own dime and at your own risk. Not a speck of sympathy for ANYONE who injures himself with dope, you were warned. No ‘help’ no handouts, only suppression and punishments for you.

  13. I was searching for a special eggnog recipe the other day and it was in the Dec, 1981 issue of Cuisine magazine. In each issue Cuisine did a back page article, “Cuisine Dines Out”. For December, 1981, they featured Portland in their article “Portland Potpourri”. Here’s an excerpt of their experience of Portland:

    “Whenever a list of Americas’s “most livable cities” is compiled, Portland, Oregon, invariably surfaces at the top. The reasons are many: a profusion of pleasant homes, roses, rhododendrons, and fir trees; a spotlessness rare outsie of Switzerland; and a tempo almost un-American in its resistance to change.”

    This is the Portland Geoff C. the Saltine grew up in and the one I prefer to remember. Just the thought of those thugs destroying all the beautiful statuary, buildings, parks and the rest makes me incredibly angry and sad.


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