Oregonians give the New York Times an earful about Portland – IOTW Report

Oregonians give the New York Times an earful about Portland

American Thinker:

Much to the New York Times’s surprise, people who live outside Portland in Oregon aren’t big fans of the riot-synonymous city. Here’s a quote buried way down the bottom of the piece:

“Portland is a garbage dump,” said Ms. Johnson, the resident of Gresham, a half-hour away. “I don’t want anything to do with it.”

It had to have been a surprise.

The piece was done in the context of an impressive anniversary, at least if you’re a rioter – the 100th day solid of riots burning through that city.

The Times headline creates that false declivity it’s often famous for – interviewing the mugger and the muggee, with that “two lives intersect” template. more

17 Comments on Oregonians give the New York Times an earful about Portland

  1. There are only two things I miss about Portland: Al Amir Lebanese restaurant and Moonstruck Chocolates

    I had a buddy who was a wardrobe consultant in Portland. He knew everyone and I would let him pick the restaurant I would have dinner at when I was in town about three or four times/year. He never steered me wrong, I had some fantastic meals by letting him choose for me. Al Amir was my favorite. I returned there often and miss it very much.

    I haven’t been in that Goddamned shithole city in ten years at least though. It used to be a really great place to spend a weekend.

  2. @ flip SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 AT 11:30 PM

    By ‘07 Portland was pretty much done. It really started going to shit about ‘03 or so. Prior to that I would take my mother and spend the weekend and it was a wonderful place. By 2010 it was a total disgrace. The closest I get is Sausage Fest in Verboort and I drive around if I am going to the rodeo in Sisters or Milwaukee

  3. San Francisco, Portland, Seattle. Three absolutely gorgeous and incredibly desireable places to call “home” have been successively violated and debased by Leftists.

  4. I was born in Hillsboro and lived there until I was eight.

    I have a lot of nice memories of downtown Portland (during the day obviously), my dad was a manager at a bank branch there and sometimes my mom would take her youngest 3 and meet him for lunch.

    A lot of times we’d hold their hand and walk and just look at the shops thru the windows.

    My Favorite Muffin was also a coveted treat when it was offered.

    …Man I’m sad. All of this was 20 years ago or so of course.

  5. You can thank a commie for the destruction of every american city run by demoncrats.

    McCarthy was right.
    When the commies infiltrated our country back in the day there was plenty of warnings of what was coming but even back then our grubbermint was full of anti-americans, evil people, morons on the take, and whole boat-loads of “ex-nazi’s” that our grubbermint had “liberated” from Germany and given secret high-level jobs in our government that began to spread their rot through ALL 3 branches.

    People who still read factual history know the score, but most ignorant knuckle-draggers out there can only lift their heads high enough to view the disinformation & brainwashing spewing from their cellphones.

    Without a civil war to clean out the last 3 or 4 generations of the hopelessly lost that scream in your face that your RAYYYSIST no matter what you do or say, this country is toast because Trump is only going to be around for 4 more years and then what? Another RINO or demoncrat will drive the final nail in our collective coffin.

  6. Now I’m wondering if the Oregon critics of the Portland s__hole also voted for their wackjob governor. In which case they’re being a bit self righteous.

    Or if they voted for a better choice for governor, and they are just stuck with the governor the majority of Oregonians voted for.

  7. To corrupt beauty into the hideous is what Satan desires most, his minions on earth are following orders from Lucifer himself.

    His jealousy of the Lord God Almighty and his creation is eternal and part of his damnation.

    The satanic domination of the earth continues with fire and fury today. We have a small window of time in the next four years to reset the judiciary and slow the corruption down perhaps for a couple of generations.

    If Islam and Marxists prevail America is doomed forever, they will say and do anything to prevent PDJT from being duly elected and when he prevails we will need to invoke the insurrection act to stop the post Nov 3 chaos.

  8. From the introduction to “How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World”

    “…Communism breeds war, famine, slaughter, and tyranny. These in themselves are terrifying enough, but the damage dealt by communism goes far beyond this. It has become increasingly clear to many that, unlike any other system in history, communism declares war on humanity itself — including human values and human dignity.

    After establishing massive dictatorships in the Soviet Union and China, communism caused more than one hundred million unnatural deaths, enslaved billions, and brought the world to the brink of nuclear war and destruction, in just under a century. Moreover, communism’s deliberate and widespread destruction of the family, its fomenting of social disorder, and its attack on morality are all ruinous to the foundations of civilization…”

    “…Communism is a scourge on humanity. Its goal is the destruction of mankind, and its arrangements are meticulous and specific. The conspiracy has been so successful that it has almost been carried out to completion, and now the devil is ruling our world…”


  9. “…people dismiss the protesters as lawless hooligans.”

    Some people even go so far as to castigate the protesters as churlish scamps.

    “But the proximity of left and right in Oregon, both moderates and extremists…”

    Got it, NYT: left is moderate, right is extremist. ISWYDT

    “…a supporter of the far-right group Patriot Prayer who was shot on Saturday amid clashes between protesters from the right and left.”

    He was executed from ambush as he walked, unarmed, on the sidewalk. But NYT’s got to keep it anodyne for their senstive readers. BTW, NYT readers, he was shot dead.

    “Mr. Pulliam, the Sandy mayor, whose post is nonpartisan but who is registered as a Republican,“

    I have never heard the holder of an elected office—any office—described this way. Never. What is wrong with you, NYT?

    “…Mr. James Buchal, chairman of the Multnomah County Republican Party, the county that includes Portland. He is also a lawyer representing Joey Gibson, leader of the far-right protest group Patriot Prayer, who is being sued by the owner of a Portland bar. The bar owner has accused Mr. Gibson of instigating a brawl last year and disrupting business.”

    Aha! We have finally found the true “lawless hooligans” in Portland, mission accomplished, NYT.

    “Portland is a garbage dump,” said Ms. Johnson, the resident of Gresham, a half-hour away. “I don’t want anything to do with it.”

    No argument here.


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