Oregon’s history making meth bust – IOTW Report

Oregon’s history making meth bust

Oregon Catalyst:

By Lars Larson,
NW and national radio host

Hard drugs kill a lot of people. No mystery there.

And the dealers bringing those drugs to the pacific northwest often get into disputes with other dealers.

You can see the evidence of that in drive-by shootings that leave dozens of shells littering neighborhood streets.

This week, word came of the biggest meth bust in Oregon history…almost four hundred pounds of a drug that’s usually sold to users in amounts measured in tiny fractions of an ounce. read more

15 Comments on Oregon’s history making meth bust

  1. “Governors in both states cut loose thousands of ….”
    Both states of Oregon???
    Did I miss something in the article?
    Who the fukc writes this shit?
    Or is it me….

  2. The pusher national anthem. Should be played at their execution.

    “You know I’ve smoked a lot of grass
    O’ Lord, I’ve popped a lot of pills
    But I’ve never touched nothin’
    That my spirit could kill
    You know, I’ve seen a lot of people walkin’ ’round
    With tombstones in their eyes
    But the pusher don’t care
    Ah, if you live or if you die
    God damn, The Pusher
    God damn, I say The Pusher
    I said God damn, God damn The Pusher man
    You know the dealer, the dealer is a man
    With the love grass in his hand
    Oh but the pusher is a monster
    Good God, he’s not a natural man
    The dealer for a nickel
    Lord, he’ll sell you lots of sweet dreams
    Ah, but the pusher ruin your body
    Lord, he’ll leave your, he’ll leave your mind to scream
    God damn, The Pusher
    God damn, God damn the Pusher
    I said God damn, God, God damn The Pusher man
    Well, now if I were the president of this land
    You know, I’d declare total war on The Pusher man
    I’d cut him if he stands, and I’d shoot him if he’d run
    Yes I’d kill him with my Bible and my razor and my gun
    God damn The Pusher
    God damn The Pusher
    I said God damn, God damn The Pusher man”


  3. Oh, come on.
    Nobody “pushes.”
    Hoyt Axton wrote a kool song (and Steppenwolf did a great rendition) but dope heads are volunteers – nobody has to push anything on them.
    They line up for dope – steal for dope – kill for dope – prostitute themselves for dope – why do you think they call it dope?
    Do I pity them? Yep. I know their pain.

    They can shake it off any time they want – with God’s help – but they have to ask.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Hoyt Axton also wrote Snow Blind Friend back in the early 70’s about how illegal drugs were killing people. And just like in the 60’s and 70’s Speed still kills. Crackerbaby, you didn’t miss anything, I caught that too. I wonder if it’s Washington but more than likely it’s California or Colorado. The damn states of Wash., Oregon, California, Colorado and other states that legalized marijuana should’ve never been allowed to do that because as in the case of Oregon it’s lead to legalizing harder drugs like meth, heroin etc. I never would’ve thought growing in the 60’s and 70’s that our country would have ever come to this. Thank God I was miraculously delivered from smoking dope in 1975.

  5. “dozens of shells” Shot gun madness? If it is a rifle or pistol they are casings or spent brass.

    Lars needs to expand his vocabulary if he wants to write articles.

  6. Geoff: The first step of the con was to legalize “medicinal marijuana”, with the promise that it would “never led to recreational marijuana”, because people needed their “medicine”. A lie. Then they legalized recreational marijuana, because “it will reduce crime”, don’t ya know. And the slackers and dopers and other democrats flooded into an already blue state and turned it indigo. So it’s little wonder “they” voted to legalize everything. I can’t get out of here fast enough.

  7. Geoff,
    I too was delivered, knowing my weakness with an addictive nature I tell people it was a miracle as much as God delivering Israel through the red sea. When I had come to the end of my resources, the end of my rope so to speak I told God I’m letting go and falling into Your hands. And He delivered me from that and other enemies of my soul. Praise His name!

  8. Tim OCTOBER 10, 2021 AT 8:33 AM
    “Oh, come on.
    Nobody “pushes.”
    Hoyt Axton wrote a kool song (and Steppenwolf did a great rendition) but dope heads are volunteers – nobody has to push anything on them.
    They line up for dope – steal for dope – kill for dope – prostitute themselves for dope – why do you think they call it dope?
    Do I pity them? Yep. I know their pain.

    They can shake it off any time they want – with God’s help – but they have to ask.”

    I don’t disagree with you, but I don’t agree with you either. It’s complicated and I have a lot going on in my life, so I’m going to say that I do believe and have heard that some few have kicked it by turning to the Lord, but I have never personally witnessed that.

    I will also say that I know that some drugs are viciously addictive, even physically addictive, young men raised to think pot is OK do try other things and find out that even ONE time is too many too late, and that even old people get addicted physically and psycholongically through both accident and because pain makes you crazy, but that there ARE such things as pushers who WILL goad, cohorse, threaten, tempt, wheedle, use sex, and do anything they can to get someone who is not necessarily wanting to do drugs, to do drugs.

    They are evil motherfuckers to their core, with no mercy in them whatsoever.

    I can go on but I can’t, and I’ve written most of this here anyway. I hope our hosts can forgive this repost, but it’s from their own blog and I feel its very pertinent to the subject at hand, I wrote it so it can scarcely be said to be plagarized, and I still stand by it. I have said many other things about this young man and his ilk that are still true today that gave me a real unfortunate look at this unhappy world.

    Anyway, here. I’m sorry to go so long.

    Supernightshade SEPTEMBER 27, 2020 AT 8:43 AM
    I have a funeral to go to this week.

    We are burying a young man, I’ll call him Cam although that is not his real name, who was the son of a good friend of mine.

    I am not sure when or where at this point, because his father was not expecting Cam to die.

    Or, more accurately, did not know he would die NOW.

    But he knew he would die soon.

    You see, Cam was a herion addict. Pretty easy guy to dismiss. He stole everything from everyone to fund his habit, shot up his way out of several good jobs, lost a son of his own because he hooked his girlfriend who bore the child, wrecked cars, got in trouble with the police, and was a pretty worthless guy.

    No one worth mourning, right? He’s just scum. Something to be wiped off society’s shoe, and good riddance to him, you would say.

    And Cam, were he alive, would probably agree wiht you.

    That’s one of the things that makes kicking this such a chore. Addicts know they are acting horribly. Addicts are, on some level, ashamed of what they do. Addicts don’t think any more highly of themselves than you think of them, at least the herion kind don’t, and so they withdraw from polite society. They live instead in the shadow world, peopled by other addicts, a dark realm where stolen propety is fenced,favors are traded, and illicit drugs of questionable quality and formulation are eagerly consumed in typically unsanitary environments using improperly cleaned instruments. They live among their fellow damned as they are only comfortable among people as scummy as themselves that they can get high with.

    You know, some of the damage you see is amazing. Veins do not react well to multiple injections. Even absent other diseases, thromosis, phlebitis, infections of every imaginable kind, and collasped veins are endemic. It’s always a joy to try to find an IV site on an addict because they’ve detrohyed most of them with their self-injections, blowing out anywhere there’s an obvious vein. There are some non-standard sites such as between toes, but anywhere YOU go with a needle, THEY will go with a needle. Some will even note that they get a central line planted at the hosptial and try it themselves later. This usually ends in a very bloody death. Some will cut their skin and rub the drug in it. A long-term herion user is a very visible thing in many cases just from the damage they do with injections alone, let alone all the other sequela of doing illegal drugs such as wrecks and crimes and assualts of every kind, without even getting into the actual drug.

    So, worthless addict off the streets, one more down, right? Time to celebrate, yes?


    To society at large, he was as worthless as he felt. Even to those who loved him, he was nothing but a burden towards the end.

    But they still loved him.

    And so did the Lord.

    I knew Cam somewhat through his father, provided a guitar amplifier years ago so his band could play a gig when his went out, and watched him grow up while he was in his father’s house, and later saw him slide towards his self-made hell through his father’s eyes. I piped for the death of his first son, and rejoiced with my friend when a second son was born with none of the problems of the first becasue his mother managed to not be an addict for 10 months. I joined in the effort to pull him away from this even though I had never, while I was running squad, seen a good outcome. He refused to talk to me, which I was not surprised about, so I wrote him about what his life would be if he continued, and what it would be if he stopped. I took him through the partal revivals of some addicts, where they would be down too long to regain all their faculties, come back blind, come back demented, come back crippled, come back with severe cardiovascular problems and other issues. Sometimes they ended up like stroke patients from the oxygen deprevation. I told him of the prayers that were engaged for him, and of a faith-based group that was actually recovered addicts that could use the Lord to help him, the ONLY time I’ve ever heard of anyone getting off heroin and STAYING off.

    I never knew if he read any of it. I would guess he did not.

    He self-admitted to rehab programs numerous times, and his father financed it all. Usually he would sneak out for drugs or violate the rules, and that would be the end of it for that time. He never tried the faith-based group, he wasn’t the type to believe in any God he didn’t see in a needle.

    I discussed medical things I’d heard of with his father, suboxone, lofexidine, naltrexone,etc., the middle of which is a withdraw symptom drug, and the other 2 are opiod antagonists meant to take the high away if you DO take some. Interesting thing about the antagonists, they just take MORE heroin to try to counteract it.

    At the end of the day, you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help. And herion makes you not want help.

    Herion makes you believe you are not WORTHY of help.

    He’d been given Narcan more times than I can count. I’m told he was Narced twice by IV on his final ride, to no effect. Maybe there was fentanyl involved, maybe he was mixing his pleasures as many of them do, maybe he was just down too long. Who knows.

    Either way, he’s dead today.

    I’ll be going to his funeral this week, whenever his father arranges it. Funerals are for the living, not the dead. This funeral will be about a stupid waste, and about people who are heartbroken that they could not prevent it.

    And look at his 10 year old son, who I’m told, found his father dead from the drug. Not the first time, tragically, but it’s the first time he won’t be coming back.

    It’s a lot for a 10 year old to process.

    And he loved his father, too. Whatever WE think of him, that was his dad, and HE didn’t deserve this, and doesn’t deserve to hear what a shit his dad was, either. I don’t know if his father wants me to pipe for him as father is laid to rest beside the first son in the same graveyard, if he does, I will, but I probably won’t be able to do well at it if I look at his child.

    Funerals are for the living. For the living to remince, to console, and to grieve. But this one needs to be about a hard lesson too, what heroin does to lives, families, and communities. What power it has, what a destructive force it is, how very strong a chain it forges on its victims. The poem King Heroin is apt, it WILL rule you till it kills you.

    Funerals can be a platform of sorts, too.

    To try to save any in hearing who will listen.

    Especially that boy.

    One person who will not be at that funeral is the dealer. Dealers don’t deal in consequences, dealers deal in smack. Dealers are your best friend till they get you hooked, then they’re your loan shark, your master, and you will dance for them like you’ve never danced before if you want to get high. Dealers like to maximize profits, too, by putting novel things in your drugs that are cheaper, like fentanyl, or diluting your dose so you’ll buy more. Dealers own your soul on the Devil’s behalf until it’s time to turn you over to him, then they’ll simply go out and find another victim.

    Someone loved him.

    But it wasn’t his dealer.

    I don’t excuse Cam today. He was an adult who made his own decisions, and is probably suffering in literal hell today because of it. I have no comfort of the Lord to give anyone, in all probabilty the drug took him before he could ask the Lord for mercy.

    And that’s the hardest part of all.

    But funerals are for the living, and I can’t know what that young man thought while he lay dying, if he came to the Lord at the last or not, so it is not for me to bring that thought to a burial service.

    But it will have to be advanced sometime, to try to warn others of the extreme danger they court, should they follow in Cam’s footsteps.

    No, I don’t excuse Cam, but he has paid the ultimate price for his sin, and he is but one of many who have been led to that sin and their own strenght insufficent to escape it. Now he is gone and many mourn him still, although it was expected, so I will not hate him.

    But I will hate his dealer, and all who sell poison.

    I will hate his dealer, and all who trade in pain.

    I will hate his dealer and all who profit as familes are destroyed.

    I will hate his dealer and all those who are involved in his supply chain.

    For his father, for his son, for Cam himself, and for all who have, or know, someone who has had their life ruined by this garbage, I hope that those who were arrested in this raid die in a squalid prison cell, mired in their own feces that they are unable to contain because of damage done from multiple rapes.

    No punishment is too harsh, nothing is too cruel and unusual, nothing should be off-limits when it comes to those who operate the drug trade.

    But there is no earthly punishment tht is sufficent. They need to be sent surely and swiftly to the Throne of Judgement, so the Lord who sits on it can deal them a fitting, and eternal, punishment for what they did to the Lord’s other creations, for their own personal profit.

    Nothing else will serve.

    God Damn them.

    God Damn them all.



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