Oregon’s new cigarette taxes will hurt low-income residents – IOTW Report

Oregon’s new cigarette taxes will hurt low-income residents

Oregon Catalyst:

Oregon couldn’t let a new year commence without the rollout of a new tax increase.

Voters passed Measure 108 last year which increases cigarette and cigar taxes and establishes a new tax on vaping products beginning January 1, 2021.

The measure was approved by 65% of voters, likely because it was painted as an effort to reduce smoking and help low-income Oregonians by directing 90% of funds to the Oregon Health Plan. However, once in practice these new changes will have unintended consequences

First, the taxes are regressive and will hurt low-income Oregonians. A recent study found that “low socioeconomic status is generally associated with a high prevalence of cigarette smoking.” Smoking prevalence was 41% among men with incomes below the poverty level versus 24% for those with incomes at or above it. It’s absurd that the state is taxing some of the very same people these medical services are supposed to help. more

20 Comments on Oregon’s new cigarette taxes will hurt low-income residents

  1. “Control through taxation. Expect that same approach for the attempt at gun control coming soon.”

    Ya’ mean something like, maybe, the NFA?

    And bumpstocks being reclassified as machine guns under it by Presidential dictate?

    Never happen, not in America.

  2. Yep. The Indian Res will sell you anything at any time.
    Let biden go over there and try to bust up their profit.
    Not gonna happen.

    There are almost as many dems who want to keep their guns and their fireworks. And their liquor.

  3. Obama daughter using welfare card at Winco laughed about voting for tax increases claiming she got the benefits, doesn’t cost her a dime. Told her to make note of the volume of food in her cart. Because of new tax increases the volume in her shopping cart next month was going to be about 10% less. Complete waste of time. Ass chewed out in non decipherable dialect of niglish.

  4. If smoking were bad for you, they’d BAN it. 🤔 Like Trump. 🙄

    Smokers are the MOST patriotic Americans there are, based on the taxes they volunteer for. 🇺🇸

    p.s. – I DON’T smoke; allergic to ’em.

  5. Those on the dole are only using the taxpayers money to buy their cigarettes and pay the taxes. Now there’ll be a move to increase the welfare payments to cover the increased taxes.

    There are NO “unintended consequences.” That’s a lie to give the maggots cover.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. There’s a guy lives up the road from me who’s been out of work since the Obola debacle – but he’s ALWAYS got money for beer and cigarettes.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. The people who can least afford to smoke,financially, smoke. Is there some direct relationship between smoking and stupid? Or vaping and stupid? Or voting Dimwitrat and stupid? Asking for 75,000,000+ friends. Not really. I already know the answer and so do non-smokers. And many smokers as well.

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