Organizers of Portland’s Antifa Summer Camp for Kids Go Quiet After Media Outlets Shine a Light on Them – IOTW Report

Organizers of Portland’s Antifa Summer Camp for Kids Go Quiet After Media Outlets Shine a Light on Them

PJ Media’s stories about Antifa’s kids’ summer camp designed to mold the next generation of rioters, monkey-wrenchers, and “social justice” warriors, are now being echoed by some of the nation’s biggest media outlets, and something interesting is happening. Portland’s Leftist screechers are suddenly going quiet.

Antifa’s Budding Roses summer camp for kids took down its Facebook page featuring photos, artwork, and curricula from camps in previous years as independent journalist Andy Ngo noted after stories like ours called them out. The group’s seldom used Instagram page is still up, however. mroe

5 Comments on Organizers of Portland’s Antifa Summer Camp for Kids Go Quiet After Media Outlets Shine a Light on Them

  1. More parents are realizing that these “day camps” and “pre-k centers” plus grade school classrooms (think NYC Dept of Ed schools et al) are asylums and hide-outs for child abductors, pedos, and child prostitution rings—all given protection by the longtime Soros-associate and AFT Randi Weingarten.


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