O’Rourke Apologizes for Teen Writings, Rhetoric Toward Wife – IOTW Report

O’Rourke Apologizes for Teen Writings, Rhetoric Toward Wife

Epoch Times: Democratic presidential contender Beto O’Rourke on Friday acknowledged making mistakes as a teen and as a candidate, responding to criticism of his campaign rhetoric toward his wife as well as writings he produced online when he was young.

During a taping of the “Political Party Live” podcast in Cedar Rapids, he addressed criticism of his campaign-trail joke that his wife, Amy, has raised their three kids “sometimes with my help.” O’Rourke made the comment at multiple campaign stops during his first swing through Iowa, including earlier Friday, eliciting laughs each time, but he also drew criticism as being insensitive to the challenges faced by single parents raising children.

O’Rourke said the criticism of his “ham-handed” attempt to highlight his wife’s work in their marriage was “right on.”

“Not only will I not say that again but I will be much more thoughtful in the ways that I talk about my marriage,” he said.

O’Rourke, 46, also said he was “mortified” when he reread the violent fiction he wrote as a teen, which received fresh attention Friday after a 3,300-word Reuters report came out just a day after O’Rourke officially announced his run for the White House.

O’Rourke wrote a handful of posts on the group’s message board under the name “Psychedelic Warlord,” including a fictional piece he penned when he was 15 about children getting run over by a car.

“One day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles,” O’Rourke wrote. “This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams.”

“As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.”

The eerie fictional story sheds additional context on O’Rourke’s drunk driving arrest in the 1990s.  more here

18 Comments on O’Rourke Apologizes for Teen Writings, Rhetoric Toward Wife

  1. “a fictional piece he penned when he was 15 about children getting run over by a car.”

    Another dishonest statement courtesy of the Fake News empire.
    He wrote about running over the children himself, and enjoying it euphorically.

  2. Now with this, the democrats are morphing into the party of literary giants.
    they must be looking for Nobels or Pulitzers on the horizon.

    First sanders:
    “The essay, written when Sanders was 31, appeared in the February 1972. Titled “Man — And Woman,” was published in the Vermont Freeman.
    “A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy,” wrote Sanders. “A woman on her knees. A woman tied up. A woman abused. A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes about being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”

    And now little robbie orourk has his effluvia tossed in the toilet.
    Them is some great peoples to look up to, dems
    “…O’Rourke wrote. “This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams.””
    yeah- that’s just what this country needs- someone who thinks like that

  3. Now O’Dorko has tied up all the voters who fantasize about killing children by running them down with a car. The guy is unstoppable! What’s next? Someone who wants to turn all of America into Ciudad Juarez, the homicide capital of Mexico? Oh, that’s right, RFO’R has already locked up those voters.

  4. Anyone else here detect a strain of self-denunciation/self-incrimination required by the Left? This was a common practice in Mao’s China during his Great Leap Forward. They called them “struggle” meetings:

    “These events were a common form of public humiliation exploited by Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party to control public opinion and discourage political dissidence. They were typically carried out by a crowd of Chinese people who would verbally or physically abuse a victim until the victim confessed.” ~quizlet.com

    And apologized.

  5. It’s kind of fun watching Demonrat politicians go into contortions trying to appease every identity group on the Left. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

    AA is correct. This shit is right out of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. I predict quotes from Mao’s Little Red Book by the Demonrat field.

    As a white male of Irish decent who has culturally appropriated a Hispanic name, he doesn’t have a chance at the nomination. Even the photos of him in a dress are going to save him.


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