O’Rourke Likens U.S. Immigration Laws to Slavery – IOTW Report

O’Rourke Likens U.S. Immigration Laws to Slavery

WFB: Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D.) on Saturday likened immigration laws in the United States to slavery.

O’Rourke participated in a forum on “wages and working people,” which was hosted by SEIU and the Center for American Progress Action Fund in Las Vegas, Nev. During his remarks, he said illegal immigrants live in “modern day bondage.”

“[With immigration, there are] millions living in the shadows, working some of the toughest jobs, lucky to make a minimum wage, still not even making that,” O’Rourke said. “[Immigrants are] kept in modern day bondage, their immigration status used as leverage to keep them down from fully participating in this country’s success  and in our economy, an economy that works too well for too few  and not well enough for most Americans.”

When it comes to illegal immigration, O’Rourke has not provided many specifics on how he would tackle the issue. Back in January, he told the Washington Post he didn’t know what to do in terms of visa overstays and that he would be listening to the people, saying, “I trust the wisdom of people.” In terms of the border wall in his hometown of El Paso, Texas, he told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes back in February he would “absolutely” take the border wall down.  more

14 Comments on O’Rourke Likens U.S. Immigration Laws to Slavery

  1. How many slaves were given free health care, free food stamps, free housing, and free cash for NO EXPECTATIONS buy illegally crossing our border?

    Why are democrats so freaking stupid????

  2. It’s hard to believe people like this, people who apparently have no ability to engage in critical thought, end up being elevated to high positions of high esteem and leadership by their fellow Americans.

    Which actually says more about their fellow Americans than it does about them.

  3. Good ole Seamus “Enrique” O’Malley.

    Don’t come here. We don’t want you working or living here is exactly like slavery.

    I hope El Presidente O’Riordan will quarter troops in our casas to ensure that Not Slaves will have unfettered access to our racist, oppressive country and its exploitative economy.

  4. …the Democrats current immigration strategy seems to be designed to enslave citizens to Democrats, so I suppose you could argue it’s true in THAT way…

  5. Yeah, a funny kind of “slavery” – completely voluntary.
    Nobody asked the rat-people to come here.
    No one is keeping them here.
    In fact, they should all be deported – they are criminals by definition.

    Seize their assets and deport them at their own expense.
    Why do we tolerate lying, traitorous, anti-American shit-stains like “Beano?”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Free our illegal immigrant slaves now! Deport them back to the heavenly paradises in South and Central America they came from.

    On the other hand, I don’t think Beto asked any of these immigrant slaves what they thought about the matter. But that par for the course for Democrats – they have all the answers even though they are clueless of what the questions are.

  7. If the whole lot of them had any gumption, they’d band together and force change, like our ancestors did.
    I don’t understand how they can be willing to risk traveling all that way rather than stay and fight for their homes, if they’re indeed being forced out.

  8. @Anonymous April 29, 2019 at 9:37 am

    > It’s hard to believe people like this, people who apparently have no ability to engage in critical thought, end up being elevated to high positions of high esteem and leadership by their fellow Americans.

    Not Americans. The Party. The party decides who The Party will allow to stand. For positions The Party has created. For Party members to stand for. And then “counts” the ballots. According to The Party rules. Subject to change without notice. Unless The Party chooses to cancel the election. And name The Party member that will take the position created by The Party for a Party member to take.

    > Which actually says more about their fellow Americans than it does about them.

    What it says about Americans? They like foreign occupation.

  9. So amazingly stupid. If it’s slavery we’re offering immigrants, why do they want to come here and be enslaved? And if immigrants are like chattel, why do so many of us want them sent home? That would be like getting rid of valuable assets. In other words, a huge loss.

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