O’Rourke Still Feels ‘Exhaustion’ After Failed Senate Bid, 2020 Decision Could Be Months Away – IOTW Report

O’Rourke Still Feels ‘Exhaustion’ After Failed Senate Bid, 2020 Decision Could Be Months Away

Can’t you see he’s pooped???


WFB: Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D., Texas) said he’s still dealing with “exhaustion” from losing his Senate race to Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and is possibly months away from deciding whether to run for president.

“There’s an exhaustion after an effort like that, that I’m learning is hard to recover from,” O’Rourke said at a local speaker series in El Paso, according to Politico. “You don’t snap back.”

At the event, he responded to a questioner that he was looking at teaching if he doesn’t run for higher office. He told Politico that deciding to enter the increasingly crowded 2020 field could “potentially” take months.

“There are people who are smarter on this stuff and study this stuff and are following this and say you’ve got to do it this way or get in by this point or get in in this way if you were to get in,” O’Rourke said. “I think the truth is that nobody knows right now the rules on any of this stuff. I think the rules are being written in the moment.”  read more

18 Comments on O’Rourke Still Feels ‘Exhaustion’ After Failed Senate Bid, 2020 Decision Could Be Months Away

  1. the little pooper is tired. Poor little billionaire baby bobbie. Oh, that’s right- it is his wife’s money and she got it from daddy.
    pandering to the mommy’s basement dwelling NEET population.
    yeah, he’s the tonic the country needs. Take your time bobbie.

  2. You would think jamming out under those stage lights with a goat mask and tight onesie would build up your stamina. The guys a frikken sissy! Must have used all his energy up trying to flee his DUI accident.

  3. Too bad “Low Energy” is already taken. Although Robby may be working up a sweat trying to track down all the pics of him in weird satanic costumes and whatever. Wouldn’t want to jump into the race with that stuff floating around.

  4. Awwwwwwww … now I’m sad …
    My eyes are getting all misty, and shit …

    Must be tough drinking whiskey and doing nothing.
    Have the pool boy service his wife AND his pool.
    Poor fukkin rich dude! My heart nearly breaks!

    C’mon … buck up, l’il buckaroo! Get out that skateboard (or whatever it was) and pander to the morons and stooges! Echo the imbecilities of AO-C, Fauxahontas, Biden, Sanders, Schumer, and Pelosi! There ya go! You can do it!

    izlamo delenda est …


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