OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden’s Vaccine Mandate on American Businesses Within Days – IOTW Report

OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden’s Vaccine Mandate on American Businesses Within Days

Western Journal: Cue the lights and sirens, America: The vaccine police will soon be coming to a workplace near you.

And, according to one report, workers who are not vaccinated against the coronavirus may pay the price.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, an agency within the Department of Labor, said Monday that an interagency review has been completed that was the final step for its plan to enforce President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate on employers with 100 or more workers.

“On November 1, the Office of Management and Budget completed its regulatory review of the emergency temporary standard. The Federal Register will publish the emergency temporary standard in the coming days,” a Labor Department spokesman said, according to CNN.

“The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been working expeditiously to develop an emergency temporary standard that covers employers with 100 or more employees, firm- or company-wide, and provides options for compliance.” more here

24 Comments on OSHA Will Start Enforcing Biden’s Vaccine Mandate on American Businesses Within Days

  1. “And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand…? The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ~ Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, from The Gulag Archipelago

  2. Just think about this.
    A president* mandated something and demanded an arm of the federal government design some backhanded way to allow it and then to enforce it.
    They dutifully complied.

    This should blow up the fucking country!

  3. I cannot overstate my contempt and disbelief regarding this mandate.

    They should design rules & regs for the OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH of the American workforce.
    They didn’t say “hey, it’s in the best interest that all are vaxxed.”

    This is worse than obama and the IRS.
    FUCK this is outgoddamnrageous!

  4. There’s talk in WA state that Inslee is going to mandate that all businesses-regardless of size-must be vaxxed. He’s probably waiting for the Feds to move on it before he does.

    King County (Seattle) is the highest vaxxed county in the state-home of Amazon, Microsoft etc…loads of these high tech people work from home now permanently. An order like this is like riding in your car with a mask on.

  5. Seriously, the next son of a bitch from the dems or MSM that says something is “a threat to democracy” should be bitch-slapped back to 1775.

    They can end the use of ANY product or device by this means.
    Guns? GONE
    Internal Combustion Engines? GONE
    Cigarettes? GONE

    With this power they are omnipotent.
    They are FUCKING THANOS!

  6. OSHA mandates that flammable, toxic, caustic chemicals be kept in specific cabinets and areas to protect American workers.
    Yet here they are, MANDATING an injection into the bloodstream that MAY FUCKING KILL AMERICAN WORKERS!

    OSHA also requires Personal Protective Equipment be used.
    Yet they don’t recognize Natural Immunity.
    Hey motherfuckers! I HAD COVID, I HAVE A FUCKING SHIELD!

  7. I cannot believe how sad this country has become.
    This mandate is a true game-changer and folks are all ho-hum…
    “Oh well, what’s on Netflix tonight? Anyone want to watch Cuties?”

    This cannot be left for “when we get back in power” type of bullshit!

    I’m beside myself for the first time in a LONG TIME.
    I’m a sarcastic, pessimistic, snarky SOB but DAMN!
    Sorry this has become “Thread LOCO” so thank you very much for indulging me.

    It’s currently still Día de los Muertos so I’m going back to my annual reading of Poe’s ‘Masque of the Red Death’ & The Raven just to regain my precarious sanity…very much teetering…

    Sanity… Sanity? Ha! Perhaps I will read about an asylum?
    ‘The System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Fether’ will suffice
    What? Do I belong in an asylum in which the inmates run?
    WHY Yes…yes I DO!

  8. DO NOT COMPLY and use whatever means necessary, even legal, including individual states’ ‘bill of rights’ such as seen in New York. It’s YOUR body, not theirs. They want to keep us in a continuous state pf fear, anxiety, and frustration—all which are psychological tactics to get what they want which is complete and utter CONTROL.

  9. Mr. Beachmom called the few companies in Maine he could go to but they’re all going along with the dictate.
    He’s being forced to get a clot shot. It’s disturbing and frightening that companies aren’t pushing back.
    Thanks to the link provided here for Frontline Drs he used the questionnaire they give for employers and got it on record that if anything happens they will cover it under worker’s comp instead of us having to pay deductibles and copays from our insurance.
    If we lived in a larger state he’d have more choices.
    Maine is a large state area wise but we only have about 1.3 million people in the whole state.
    Unless something happens to stop the dictate before Nov 10th he gets jabbed or fired.


  10. My son-in-law has a recently signed construction contract in Washington State. The state sent him a letter saying he has to be vaccinated with no exceptions. I don’t think the Communists are waiting around for it to go to court. The government has been bending the Constitution for many years, but now it’s an outright crimewave and a poke in the eye for good measure.

  11. Nothing that a Soviet style/deep state radioactive polonium-210 solution in someone’s oatmeal couldn’t fix. Just a suggestion.

    I’m going to try and find the silver lining in this insanity. Biden is going to decimate the Democrats reputation with voters for a long, long time as he continues to double down. The future of election integrity is paramount now. There will only be one more chance to get this right.

    The math supporting Biden’s mandates just doesn’t add up. With 80% vaccinated and 150,000,000 with natural immunity (according to the CDC) there really is no need for these ham handed dictatorial mandates any more. FJB.

  12. mickey moussaoui
    NOVEMBER 2, 2021 AT 10:07 AM

    “I’m going to try and find the silver lining in this insanity. Biden is going to decimate the Democrats reputation with voters for a long, long time as he continues to double down. The future of election integrity is paramount now. There will only be one more chance to get this right.”


    O.K, you just hang on to that *chuckle* hope.

    This is a busy day for me so I gotta scoot, got some *giggle* stuff to count in VA and victory party for my buddy Terry all night after, but you just keep on hoping, it’s kinda cute…

  13. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if OSHA employees were smart and patriotic enough to resign instead of putting themselves in harm’s way for an illegitimate fake preznit’s wuFlu agenda??


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