Ottawa mayor declares state of emergency – IOTW Report

Ottawa mayor declares state of emergency


Mayor Jim Watson has declared a state of emergency for the city of Ottawa as the “Freedom Convoy” demonstration against COVID-19 rules continues to occupy the downtown core.

The mayor declared the state of emergency just hours after Ottawa police said new enforcement is underway to cut off the supply of fuel and materials to protesters on Wellington Street and streets near Parliament Hill.

“Declaring a state of emergency reflects the serious danger and threat to the safety and security of residents posed by the ongoing demonstrations and highlights the need for support from other jurisdictions and levels of government,” said a statement from the city.

“It also provides greater flexibility within the municipal administration to enable the City of Ottawa to manage business continuity for essential services for its residents and enables a more flexible procurement process, which could help purchase equipment required by frontline workers and first responders.” more


Oh, hey! Calgary is popping!

44 Comments on Ottawa mayor declares state of emergency

  1. I thought the mandate that is being protested was a result of being in a state of emergency.
    I guess we were right about them using emergencies as a permanent excuse for tyranny.

  2. See? I bet more of you are writing down ‘CANADA’ on your civil wah bingo cards.

    C’mon c’mon, you guys gotta’ beat California so I can rub Brads nose in it.

  3. police said new enforcement is underway to cut off the supply of fuel and materials to protesters

    So they can come home, safely, to their families. And sleep soundly among their neighbors.

  4. The government of Canukistan WILL resort to force. It’s really the only card they have. If they cave, they loose credibility. If they open fire, they loose credibility. But just like in the US with David Koresh, Ilian Gonzales, or Randy Weaver, the mantra of modern government truly is that All Knees Must Bend. Fear will restore order. For now.

  5. From reading Canadians posts it appears Ottawa is 80 to 90% government employees. So they may be forcing the truckers to block off the city, no supplies in or out. That would be funny.

    However from what I’m reading though Canadians are saying they will call their bluff and are now organizing a brigade of thousands to bring in cans of diesel and food and see how a very small force of cops are going to arrest thousands, especially since they say there are several Ottawa cops and RCMP who are assisting them off duty.

  6. Trucks tend to hold a lot of fuel. And plenty of room for provisions.
    Only thing they may not be able to hold a lot of is crap. Feces. But there are a variety of ways of disposing of that… 🙂

  7. For what its worth:

    1)The fed Government bought up all the hotel rooms with tax payer money so that protesters could not use any of the rooms that they had Pre-booked for a bit of a break. There are videos of them being told the rooms are no longer available. (cancelled without notification)

    2) coppers are being told to not allow fuel in to re-fuel the trucks.

    3) people started physically carrying in jerry cans of Fuel & propane tanks for Cooking. The cops are starting to try to prevent this as well.

    4) some carpenters have built light plywood sheds for food distribution & cooking

    5) Ottawa Police chief says that “helping the truckers will result in being investigated.”

    6) the Truckers & volunteers themselves were feeding the homeless & started protecting the Soldiers memorial & Terry Fox statue by lighting it & placing flowers daily.

  8. A friend of mine called a pizza joint last week and had them deliver a couple dozen pies. I wish I could get hold of him to find out how to get hold of them. I’d like to send a few their way.

  9. “No, officer. According to this manifest, this delivery was intended for the occupant at this address in Ottawa. [shows shipping manifest to officer] The person who ordered these materials permitted us to leave them outside. What happens after that is neither my fault nor my concern.”

  10. They city want’s to push the trucker out by 10 tomorrow. We will see. The second largest border crossing in Canada was shut down today,My back yard blue collar area. Ottawa was the start,it was a signal that the truckers can do much more. No avocado toast for the elites.

  11. There was only 1 Time in recent history that a Prime Minister ordered the Military to occupy a Canadian City.

    He is currently Dead and had 3 kids.
    He married a slut who banged groupies.
    One on His kids Died in an avalanche skiing.
    His son is the Current MINORITY Prime minister of Canada.

    Look it up: “The October Crisis” (Quebec crisis)

    So little Justine has acted (poorly) like his father in the past.
    I expect an escalation into a repeat of History, where he orderes the army in.
    If he lifts mandates he looks like he looses.
    If he removes the truckers first & then drops mandates, it looks like HE DID IT.

    this is very likely in his mind. the October crisis was implemented AFTER a BOMBING.

    Watch out folks, I have no idea where this will go.

  12. Look like the sta…police are moving in on Ottawa,in mini vans! Good lord. Hope the are waring seat belts. Oh and getting the baby seat buckles out of the way,they hurt if you sit on them.

  13. @Left Coast Dan: “Only thing they may not be able to hold a lot of is crap. Feces. But there are a variety of ways of disposing of that…”

    Feces will burn fairly well with enough diesel fuel. They just have to be sure to set up the incinerators upwind from govt buildings.

  14. Another option is for the trucks to clear out.
    Surround the major highways IN & OUT and occupy BOTH LANES.
    The City has about 7 major routes in and out but they can easily be blocked as most are accessed by 2 lane highways that open up as you get closer. But just outside its all 2 lane.

  15. By the way, its the White shirt coppers pulling this shit.

    The Ottawa PoPo Chief was warning his officers that if they Help the truckers get Fuel they will be internally investigated. This implied that the Blues are assisting or turning a blind eye.

    My Copper buds are CLEARLY not fans of Justine, libs, or Ottawa in general.

  16. A real leader with guts would go out to the truckers and at least talk to them, but not Turdeau, who skipped town. I believe Bidet would also high-tail it out of DC when the US truckers get there. The conclusion is that the time for talk is over. Only action will work.

    Here is a scenario that might happen: the US truckers are starting in California. Before it crosses the Mississippi the Federal DOT along with state police and other Federal agencies, will try to block it using force. They will try to intimidate the truckers with helicopters overhead and armored vehicles on the interstate. Shots are fired. Some truckers are killed and hopefully some Feds are killed by return fire.

    That may be the spark that starts the Prairie Fire.

  17. @Kcir

    Not to be too picky but Ottawa has freeways that extend to Montreal, Toronto, and one that goes northwest for a hundred miles or so. After that it is 2-laners. I read maps all the time for all kinds of cities and countries around the world.

    I’m a map nazi.

  18. TimButu,

    Yes, but 7 major routes out to the other routes. I looked Quickly but from “the Golden Horse Shoe” Buffalo, Ohio, Toronto, Niagra Falls, Kingston, its 401 to 416-417 into Ottawa. That is the Primary route of Goods IN. FOOD!

    Look at the map. North of Ottawa is a place called FUCK ALL.

    When we go to Montreal, it is 401 all the way. Ottawa is a North & unnecessary Detour.

    Ottawa exist for the Government and was located there because it was father away from the USA & harder to Invade back when we were and English Colony. (very oversimplified explanation).

    It could not be Montreal or Quebec City since they were French.

    Toronto was Too far away from Quebec in case the English had to deal with a french Canadian rebellion in Quebec. Kingston, was way to close & easy to invade for America. (Pissing distance by horse)

    Thus Ottawa exists.


  19. “Canadians like 308 bolts. 30.06. cooey 22lr. Every one had a cooey as a kid.”

    I thought the SKS was a popular firearm up there? Are the mags still blocked to five rounds?

  20. Chuckie

    Yes 5 rounds.

    .270 is VERY POPULAR due to calibre restrictions in some areas due to population density. Stupid since 270 goes for days and fast. whatever.

  21. @mickey moussaoui February 6, 2022 at 9:35 pm

    > Canadian Truckers are true patriots of North America.

    No. They are not. They are Canadians. As opposed to the yearning to be, but not yet, quite as foreign as the occupiers to the south, that rule them.

    Don’t throw globalist filth on their courage.

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