Ottawa Police Complain Too Many People Are Calling Them – IOTW Report

Ottawa Police Complain Too Many People Are Calling Them

CTH– Apparently, the psychological stress on the Ottawa Police is becoming quite troublesome.
They are asking people to stop calling 1-613-236-1222. MORE

32 Comments on Ottawa Police Complain Too Many People Are Calling Them

  1. They probably wouldn’t mind if the calls were people ratting out protesters. Canadas gone down the shit chute straight to the garbage dump. Coming soon to a United States near you.

  2. Tomorrow is “Family Day” in Canuckistan.
    Stat Holiday & everything is closed.
    My Best friend just dropped of a HUGE Fuck Trudeau Flag yesterday.
    Hanging it Right in front on the House.
    And God Help the first Toronto Cocksucker that walks up that Driveway to touch it!
    I got all day to sit and watch.

  3. Herrow.
    I wood rike tooo ordah,
    Whan Beef fri Ryse
    Fowr Ayg Row
    Tooo woon Ton Souup.
    Remon Chican
    Extra spycee nooodall

    Cash no credi, cash onry!

    Preeze derivah to Mista Doug Fooord ina Toronto Canadah!

    sank You!

  4. I dont think the OPP is “asking” people not to call. I think they are “threatening” people with criminal prosecution for calling to report on their abusive tactics.

    If only the peaceful protestors understood that their peaceful protest should have included looting, burning and attacking law enforcement, maybe, just maybe nobody would be calling the police to report on their violent arrests because they would all be standing down per order of Brandeau.

    Let’s go Brandeau!!!!

  5. @ 🤡🌎

    Back to Infantry squares and sharpened poles. It’s going to get medieval. Hell, it’s going to get Roman.

    I sincerely hope some of those ponces get yanked out of their saddles and beaten to a bloody pulp.

  6. Goldenfoxx – Thanks for posting that video of the Canadian pilot. Very elegantly stated and every word of what he says applies to us here in the United States of America as well! Jackass Joe and his cabal of Communists have the throttles wide open, fueling our destruction with Trillions of dollars. History will show that it was no “stimulus” – it’s just flat out robbery! Trudoh and Jackass Joe are coordinated with each other. Canadians and Americans should be just as coordinated!

  7. We hear reports that people are calling 911 from the US. You know, those outside agitators. I don’t know how they do that.

    It makes sense that they are calling a regular phone number but it up but I don’t think those numbers are answered by front line 911 operators. If by chance they normally are answered by the front line people, then bring in extra people to answer the number. For the time being.

    However, considering how often we are told by SJ activists to call in and report police malfeasance, then what’s the problem here? Isn’t that exactly what people are doing? Oh, right. This is normal people fighting for their rights so it doesn’t count.

  8. So, Canuks don’t have the “right” to assemble and petition “their” gov’t for redress of grievances?

    Sounds more like a Dictatorial Tyranny than a Parliamentary Democracy.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. OK friends here is how it’s done.

    Call the number above
    Choose #2 when it starts giving you the options
    Yea, I would like to file a police brutality report
    No, I need someone to take my report over the phone, I have a disability and am requesting accommodation under the Accessible Canada Act. You are required to have someone available who can accommodate my disability.
    Yes, I can hold.
    No, I cannot get back to you later. It is very important that this be reported because I believe the officers responsible may be on patrol and this needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

  10. JFK said, “when you make peaceful revolution impossible, you make violent revolution inevitable”…Law enforcement should realize retribution could be sought against those abusing civilian populations..
    History has shown that even the abusers families have been placed in harms way…think long and hard as actions always have unintended consequence…

  11. If you call and get through and tell them you are witnessing acts of police brutality on live video feed they must take your report. If you say you cannot do it online because you have a disability and must have someone take your report over the phone the Accessible Canada Act compels them to take your report over the phone. If you are watching a live video feed there is nothing the least bit fraudulent or misleading in what you are reporting. They MUST take reports of police brutality or misconduct. They Must provide you with accommodations for your disability and they CANNOT demand proof of your disability as a condition of providing accommodation.

  12. wonky honky February 20, 2022 at 10:23 am

    tried it, the line was busy.

    I’m sure there’s a download somewhere where one can robo call that number.


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