Ouch! Even Mika Thinks Serena Williams’s Behavior Was “Unbecoming” – IOTW Report

Ouch! Even Mika Thinks Serena Williams’s Behavior Was “Unbecoming”

DC: MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski criticized professional tennis star Serena Williams Monday for her attitude on the court and said her behavior was unbecoming.

Williams accused umpire Carlos Ramos of sexism after her Saturday loss to Naomi Osaka. Williams was hit with penalties related to illegal coaching and throwing her racket.

“She was being coached, and she also did throw the racket,” Brzezinski said Monday. “Personally, I don’t think that’s becoming, whether a man does it or a woman does it. And apparently, it’s against the rules and she threw it, so it happened.”  MORE

18 Comments on Ouch! Even Mika Thinks Serena Williams’s Behavior Was “Unbecoming”

  1. All the hens on Fox’s Outnumbered were blaming the ref.
    The facts:
    1) Serena was “warned” about being coached.
    No penalty.
    2) She bashed her racket.
    One point penalty.
    3) She argued with the ref incessantly.
    One game penalty.
    *This one game penalty came when Naomi was due to serve, therefore it was a game she would have likely won anyway. Not a devastating penalty that many are making it.

    Harris Faulkner made the TOTAL BULLSHIT ANALOGY that it was like a coach in the NFL getting a penalty of a touchdown for the other team.

    Stick that analogy back in your ass!

  2. In basketball if you get a technical foul or in soccer a yellow card, you settle your ass down or you get tossed like Hillary into a waiting van.

    New Serena Williams Nike ad:

    “Believe you are above the rules, even if it means sacrificing your dignity and acting like a total asshole.”

  3. Well, Serena ended the incident as an adult…not much to be said except how is Joe going to get out of marrying Mika? Joe is a weasel who is cornered and has been contemplating drastic things such as chewing his arm off…Popcorn ready, even a MUTUAL agreement to end Togetherness Hell will have come about through much pain…no matter how venal their show gets, I am aware that they are miserable…not that I enjoy other peoples problems, but well, they deserve this..

  4. Serena was getting her butt whipped and was looking for an excuse. She has always been a low class hothead, whining about how tough she has it and how everyone always is against her.

  5. FYI

    For the last month, the media was conducting an enormous ad campaign which depicted Serena as some kind of tennis goddess. It was one of the most over the top glorifications of a celebrity I’ve ever seen

    So THIS is the person that a tennis umpire in New York, who was a woman BTW decides to single out for unfair treatment. THIS is the downtrodden underdog?

    It just gets more and more ridiculous. But how is that possible. The media has been completely ridiculous for fifty years

  6. 1) Serena was yelling like a mad woman non-stop in a desperate attempt to try n upset Osaka’s focus n momentum – Serena’s only chance at that point was for inexperienced Osaka to choke

    2) Many people misunderstand n think umpire is sexist cos he penalised her a game (harsh n unusual) – they don’t realise most of the time, players stop at first or at most second code violation n that is why a game penalty is so rare

    3) WTA allows Serena to get away with too much like locking herself in panic room cos she claimed she tot the tester was an intruder

    4) at prize-giving, Osaka didn’t know what happened exactly – when she watches the match video, she is going to get really revolted – no wonder people say never meet yr hero/ heroine

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