Our Freedoms Come From God—Not Government – IOTW Report

Our Freedoms Come From God—Not Government

Our rights, including freedom of religion, are given to us by God—not by any man, woman or govt. As such, no one has the authority to infringe upon these rights. ACLU no longer stands up for our rights; ACLJ does.

13 Comments on Our Freedoms Come From God—Not Government

  1. Yeah, not from some king, nor a king’s lord, nor from a power-drunk mayor, governor, president or dictator. Nor from any mob of people.

    What people don’t mention is that to deny that the source of our rights is God is to threaten those very rights.

    I see that the link is from Rumble’s “The Tulsi Gabbard Show” :


  2. Yes it’s true only God can give us freedom but mankind has for the most part rejected God and you tries to be god himself. Most politicians have no faith in god and only play the god card for votes. Perverts, drunks, drug abusing, narcissistic fools walking in darkness. The blind guides hastening our world into destruction. The few men and women of faith and upright character fight on to slow the impending doom.
    Oh yes and happy Friday everyone!

  3. Amen, freedom truly comes from God and not from man ever. God is the author of freedom, showering his freedom (as well as mercy and grace) upon those who believe in him. All man can offer is chaos, destruction and death masquerading as license which tells everyone that they can do whatever the hell they want without suffering any consequences. It is the original lie told to Eve in the Garden of Eden by the Devil disguised as a serpent that we shall be as gods if we know of the knowledge of good and evil. And the ACLU never stood for our rights from the first place in the 1920’s since it was founded by the communist/Bolshevik sympathizer Roger Baldwin.

  4. General Malaise

    At this point in time Gabbard is a rare voice of sanity. She also aligns much closer to MAGA than the Bushie Globalists. And that is the war that’s being waged right now. I look forward to seeing where she takes this.

  5. Brad, she really does seem interested in the moral philosophy of government when most Republicans don’t even know what that is anymore. My eyes & ears are open to her ideas. I like the fact that she WANTS to talk about this stuff.

  6. General Malaise

    Right now I think she’s making more sense than anyone. I like the fact she keeps her positions grounded by the Constitution. I caught some of her with Kari Lake. Pure MAGA. Although I can’t see her ever getting to close to the Trump camp. She’s big time America first though which means she’ll never be getting to close to the Bushie crowd. She’s a great follow on Instagram.

  7. The very first sentence out of her mouth,”We have to have trust and faith in our government, that it will respect every one of our innate rights………”, tells me that no, she does not “get it”.

    When faced with the government, that we have now, one that does not respect the inviolability of our civil liberties and will trample them in the name of “safety” and the good of the community, trust will only get you more of the same. A dis-trust, a natural skepticism and a very very short leash are the only ways to keep those tyrants in line.

    I am also leary of those leaders who banty about terms like “God-given rights” and “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” like they are bumper stickers. Yes, we know that we have these rights but what are you going to do about it in the face of their assault by the ruling class?

    Maybe it’s me, but I look at most things she says as too cute by half. Probably because I don’t pay that much attention to her but leaving the democratic party does not equate to any Road To Damascus, at least to me. Yes, I’m glad she is (supposedly) on our side but her past affiliations warrant a view of skepticism, at least for now.

  8. Rich
    The man GWB hates with every beat of his heart was a conservative (do not buy Karl’s lie, read his HUAC testimony 1947, he was a conservative union presidentRove lies!) Dem for 49 years. I voted for him as a “R” 9 times! My only regret is that I could not vote more for the man who said 62 years ago,
    ” My party not only nominated a Commie for President, they elected him. My party left me!”. A year later he went to Norwalk and registered “R”.


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