Our self-important Elites sure love their titles – IOTW Report

Our self-important Elites sure love their titles

Patriot Retort: Apparently Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t the only Democrat who thinks America is like Downton Abbey. I’d bet money the garbage elites in America would love, love, love it if we started using the titles of British aristocracy.

Duke, Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Baron, Baronet – not only would they be in hog heaven if these titles were afforded to them, they would no doubt think they deserved it.

But since America isn’t Downton Abbey, our garbage elites have to make due with what titles are available.

Take DOCTOR Jill Biden.

23 Comments on Our self-important Elites sure love their titles

  1. …the best response to this I’ve ever seen was right here on iOTW.

    “Master Whitey White
    DECEMBER 13, 2020 AT 4:51 PM
    They’re outraged that someone complained about Jill Biden referring to herself as a doctor all the time when she is not a medical doctor, just a phd.

    Well i have an MBA.”

    (A MASTERS degree. insist on THAT title, it’ll be fun…×D)

  2. The Queens Borough, the site where Amazon was considering for a job/revenue creating distribution site, before AOC scared them away with her calls for boycott and push-back, is now a blighted poverty-stricken dump.

    Given the amount of suffering this dope caused her district, you would think they would not be too happy her, pshaw, they love their little debutante still. The pathology of progressive ideological group-think, truly stunning.

  3. During my kids’ seven-year odyssey through elementary school, their school counselor completed her doctorate in education and got married. By the time my youngest hit middle school, Ms. Smith had become Dr. Smith-Jones. Still sitting in the same little office, doing the same crap, but the plaque on her desk got longer and the hours got shorter. Nice work if you can get it, I guess.

    You’d be surprised at the number of doctors teaching in high school, BTW.

  4. Thirtwin wrote, “You’d be surprised at the number of doctors teaching in high school, BTW.”

    My mother got her doctorate in education as an elementary school principal. And she is nuttier than a pecan tree.

  5. She earned it. You didn’t. Deal with it. It is not a law that you have to be polite in our open society and use people’s titles, but try calling your Drill Sergeant ‘Greg’ instead of Sgt. Smith in boot camp, and you will get what you deserve. Again….she earned it. Call her Doctor Biden.

  6. Hey Grumpy,
    when you’ve TREATED PATIENTS for 30 years THEN you’ve earned that title.
    (And still I never insisted on it.)

    Plus, she’s an adulterer and the co-conspirator of a lifelong lying criminal. So no titles or respect earned. NEXT!!

  7. Yeah, she a “Doctor” like Doctor Who, Doctor Demento, the hologram on Star Trek Voyager, and Deforest Kelly were doctors. That is, they weren’t doctors in real life.


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