Outgoing Republicans Complain GOP Has Changed – IOTW Report

Outgoing Republicans Complain GOP Has Changed


Reps. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), and Charlie Dent (R-Pa.) and Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) complained about the GOP’s narrowing focus and the perception that the Republicans must pledge loyalty to the president instead of to GOP principles.

Flake, a frequent critic of President Donald Trump, said when he switched from the House to the Senate, he envisioned he would serve two terms, but found himself “out of step” with the Republican Party. *MORE

*[ Some may experience excessive eye-rolling.]

19 Comments on Outgoing Republicans Complain GOP Has Changed

  1. “complained about the GOP’s narrowing focus and the perception that the Republicans must pledge loyalty to the president instead of to GOP principles.”

    LMAO! Since when have these buffoons been following GOP principles? Now if they said GOPe principles, then I can better understand their madness. Trump has been the closest thing to Reagan….since Reagan! Good riddance and take more of your ilk with you.

  2. I would suspect they are leaving because they may have been facing a nomination battle they couldn’t win. They are correct in some respects though. The GOP has changed. It’s starting to return to it’s roots in limited government, states rights, strong defense and the no longer laying over for Democrats on almost every battle. If they are in fact, leaving on principle then good for them. They ought to write to let us know how the first time went.

  3. Republicans are leaving congress because the deep state GOPs have told them to leave or have some dirt spread about them in the press. The GOP is working to have a democrat run congress; so they can impeach Trump.

    If the US is to have any kind of a future that isn’t total shit for most of the decent people in it, then people need to stop voting for Republicans and Democrats until they stop being underhanded deep state assholes.

  4. Times have changed too, and too many politicians have not. I can think of nothing that these four congressmen have done to advance the causes of the country or the people. Therefore AMF. It’s no longer the 1950’s, nor anytime since, yet so many pols such as these are stuck in a self manufactured rut.
    Congress could sit down and hammer out some common sense solutions to numerous problems, but they will not. Solutions would eliminate the sources of dissidence. Then what would they do. Congress has deteriorated into a large kabuki theater with nothing getting accomplished until it’s absolutely necessary. Election to congress should not be a career, it should be a time limited offer from the electorate and a honor.

  5. GOP principals: acting like a Democrat.

    So Republicans are pissed that the President is doing what the people want him to do and the people are loving him for it? Can’t have that!

  6. It appears the establishment cash cow teats are drying up.

    The only time the RINOs spoke of principles or the Constitution was when they were running for re-election. Once in office they voted for special interest campaign contributions or the GOP leadership(?) to get or maintain powerful committee assignments and free international junkets.

    Resignation will be their last betrayal.

  7. It’s only in recent years that the GOP has been more states rights or protectors of state sovereignty than the demonrats.

    I’ve long believed the GOP started killing state’s rights, state sovereignty. It was A. Lincoln that first blazed a path turning sovereign states into colonies of Washington DC. Lobbyist started during Grant’s presidency. Then FDR turned the path into an eight-lane highway. Which mostly the demonrats have kept filled to capacity since then. Allowing their GOPe buddies to share the road.

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