Outgoing Tennessee Dem says party ‘facing extinction’ in his state, relying on ‘blind hope’ – IOTW Report

Outgoing Tennessee Dem says party ‘facing extinction’ in his state, relying on ‘blind hope’


Outgoing Democratic Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee sat down for an interview with a local newspaper on Tuesday to give his thoughts on upcoming elections and the future of the Democratic Party in his state.

Cooper’s predictions were far from optimistic, as he said that the party is “facing extinction” in Tennessee and claimed that Democrats have no strategy to appeal to rural voters.

“As usual, Democrats are not alert to future dangers,” Cooper lamented to the Nashville Scene. “The biggest danger we face in an off-year election after we won the White House is the 100-year trend toward the other party. Redistricting is small potatoes compared to that historical trend.” read more

13 Comments on Outgoing Tennessee Dem says party ‘facing extinction’ in his state, relying on ‘blind hope’

  1. Blind Hope… kinda like what the Kenyan Kremepuff was pushing!
    No details or specifics, just platitudes of hope and change.
    For years I wondered why and what do we need to change?
    The United States was the strongest, freest, fairest, most productive and generous nation on the face of the planet. Hell, we could feed the world! Why do we need to change any of that?
    It should be obvious by now that they really don’t want to change us.
    They want to destroy us!

  2. The democrat party died years ago. They are now the Facist Socialist Party.

    Funny how the National Socialist Workers’ Party throws the term “Nazi” at Conservatives … uh?

  3. The demoncrats never rely on hope.

    They rely on cheating, lying, blackmail, grifting, bribery, political terrorism, the “Jedi” you didn’t see what you saw”wave”, and the oft used ability to make threats (political, personal, or financial) disappear, and their spiked collard attack dogs straight from the foulest sewer; media propaganda.

    If all of that fails, there is the weaponizing of the government departments, executive heads and staff, clowngress, all currently borrowed from the clown car members of the current federal government circus.

    The current place holder of the White House and his horrid in every way faux vp are like watching a movie made in an insane asylum by stooges. I wish it were a silent one with that horrid music instead of subjecting us to their claptrap and their handlers.

    Their handlers are NOT helping by screaming and interfering. They bring attention to the problem of WEEKEND AT BIDEN’S.

  4. I’ve been saying for years that the democrat party was taken over by communists, the republican party was taken over by the democrats fleeing the democrat party, and the ACTUAL republicans are standing around with their thumbs up their butts with no representation at all.

  5. Take your cue from our protesting trucker brothers.
    It’s time to get involved and kick career politicians (iow, all politicians) into the deep blue sea.

    No one is born, nor trained, to rule you.

  6. What Jim is trying to say is this: “Republicans don’t need to worry about the midterms. It’s gonna be a shoo-in. You guys can stay home Election Night.”

    And unfortunately, hundreds of people who would otherwise disregard anything he says will take this to heart.

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