Outrage erupts over terrorism class with section on Islamic terror – IOTW Report

Outrage erupts over terrorism class with section on Islamic terror

College Fix:

This month, University of Wisconsin Madison students enrolled in a political science class focused on terrorism will study acts perpetrated by radicals in the name of Islam.

Lectures slated for October include topics such as “Islam and the West,” “The origins of Jihad,” “Al Qaida,” “9/11,” “The Islamic State” and “Jihad in Africa,” according to a syllabus screenshot.

But one Muslim student, who is also a campus leader and activist, was briefly enrolled in the class. And after the very first day, student Ali Khan took to social media to express outrage over the content of “Political Science 347: Terrorism” and the way the professor approached the subject.

Khan’s complaint prompted a campuswide conversation on alleged culturally insensitive classes. He also published the professor’s contact information, asking peers to take stand.

Khan, in his Facebook post, accused the scholar of approaching the topic of terror only from “an American exceptionalism perspective to advance a zionist, orientalist, and/or neocolonialist agenda.” Khan, who described himself as “livid” over the course, also denounced its Jihad section. more here

7 Comments on Outrage erupts over terrorism class with section on Islamic terror

  1. How else would we approach this issue without “an American exceptionalism perspective to advance a zionist, orientalist, and/or neocolonialist agenda>”

    It means the religion of peace is not the religion of peace, and while not all muslims are terrorist, a great majority of them are muslims.

    Anything else would be like using a bicycle to swim or a screendoor on a submarine.

  2. He may have a good point. Less than a month after the Muslims attacked us 9/11/01 my President declared Islam to be “the Religion Of Peace”!

    He and the JAG brought charges against 121 Jarheads and 12 SEALS for killing Muslims. All but 1 of the Jarheads got off but half the SEALS are now making big rocks into little rocks.

    Full disclosure. the Jarheads spent $xx,xxx,xxx on lawyers. I contributed to their defense fund. I do; as my Scotch ancestors said, “Have a dawg in this fight.”! I am also partial to SEALS; I have not know 1 who was not: smart, loyal, selfless, brave and intelligent!
    One of the really good things Obama did was stop the JAG from going after Jarhead and SEALS for killing Muslims. I never voted for Obama!


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